Late again

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Nine in the morning, it was. The sun was almost over head, but it still felt like it was six. The curtains were closed, but they were thin so light shown through them, awaking the tall man in the room.
He stretched his arms above his head with a yawn, and cracked his back. He slowly got out of bed, and walked over to the bathroom. He kept the door open behind him, too drowsy to close it. A tooth brush in hand, he squirted a large portion of toothpaste onto it.


His eyebrows furrowed with a frustrated expression, but he stuck the toothbrush in his mouth anyways and brushed his teeth. Once he'd finished doing that, he grabbed the mouth wash and swirled it in his mouth, spitting it out after about thirty seconds.
He washed his face, then left the bathroom and back into his bedroom. The closet was wide open, he didn't seem to mind it, and he took out a set of clothing to change into. He took off his pajamas and started to get on the clothes he took out.

He now had on a white button up, it was wrinkly but clean. It felt like it had just come out of the washing. He wore maroon jeans with a black belt, and an unzipped black jacket, which had a hood.
He went up to his bed and grabbed his phone and sunglasses off the nightstand, putting the sunglasses on his head. He checked his phone; 9:23 it said. He sighed with a smile, I won't be late this time.

The tall man then grabbed a wallet and stuffed it in his pocket, and left the apartment. He closed and locked his door, then turned around to leave down the stairs.

"Morning, Ranboo."

He turned to the right of him to see his neighbor, Techno, sitting in the chair that was sat beside his apartment door.

"Oh- good morning, Techno."

Techno had a cup of coffee in his hand, and he took a sip. "You're heading to the cafe, right?"

Ranboo nodded slowly, "Yeah.. how'd you know?"

"You're always going there on Sunday, and I'm always here on Sunday. Though you don't usually get out this early, so this is new."

He put his hand behind his neck and ruffled his hair, "Haha, yeah, I won't be late this time, so that's good."

The dirty blonde stayed silent for a moment, "You should get going then, if you don't want to be late."

Ranboo paused aswell, working the thought in his mind, "..OH! You're right, I'll be off then-" He went down the stairs, once he'd gotten to the bottom he waved to Techno,
"See you later!"

Techno silently waved back with a smile, taking another sip from his coffee, and watched Ranboo run to the cafe.

. . .

The doors swung open, Ranboo standing at the entrance, panting. He held a hand in the air, "I'm here! I'm on time!"

Some people turned to look at Ranboo, some with a judging look on their face. Ranboo chuckled nervously, then looked to the cashier at the counter. He spoke breathlessly,
"I'm not late... Right?"

The cashier hesitated, then looked at the watch on their hand. "Uh.. three minutes late."

Ranboo slapped his face with both hands, "GOD Damnit, I could've been early! What did I do wrong?" He gave a long sigh, and walked over to the counter in defeat, slouching.

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