♕Chapter 56♕ Greta's dream

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The next day Black Sea

5am the mattress is red and blanket is dark red and grey pink there is a horn having from a candle stick attach to the wall with bell high nearby the horn the bed is on top of drawers and small door that will open nearby the small door that will open is a dark pine tree chair table with candle and jewels above it is the two windows that has four window flames

Greta lying in bed, she has red blanket around her Greta breathes rapidly, she feeling that she got hit by car

Greta's dream

Greta saw her past self with her friends James and Blaze, Wendy Michael John Lost Boy 1

Greta watches Ollie saw his brother, he turns it is Peter, Greta watches Lost Boy 1 got his sword ready Peter said

'Hi, Ollie '

Peter grins Greta said

'Where the hell is Oscar?

Greta watches Peter grins Peter said

'You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form. I expect more from you, Captain.

James looked angry James said

'Aye, and you'll get it'

Greta watches Ollie looked angry Ollie said

'Give Oscar to me'

Greta watches Peter looked at Greta, she has her powers ready Peter said

' Sorry. Can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win'

Greta watches The Lost Boys come from behind Peter Pan shooting and whooping. They surround the group armed with bow and arrows as Peter Pan looks on. The group prepare themselves Greta knew arrows are laced with Nightshade

(The fight begins and the Lost Boys starting shooting their arrows. Arrows ricochet as Lost Boy 1 blocks them with his sword while Wendy shoots arrows herself. A boy shoots an arrow at Wendy and Lost Boy 1 notices) Lost Boy 1 said

Wendy !

Greta watches Lost Boy 1 pushes Wendy out of the way and gets nipped) Wendy said

'Lost Boy 1'

Greta watches Lost Boy 1 smiles, Lost Boy 1 said

'I'm good

Greta watches A boy takes aim at Wendy ) Behind you! Greta watches Wendy shoots the arrow and pins the boy to a tree while Greta electrocutes some boys with a blast of magic)

Greta watches Ollie races towards Pan pushing charging boys to the side. One finally tackles him down and they roll down the hill he pins the boy down) He stares at his friend Devin Ollie looked shocked Greta said

'Ollie, are you alright?

Greta watches Peter whistles and the Lost Boys assemble past self and Ollie saw Peter, he walks to them Peter said

'Remember what I told you if you want a war then let's fight I'll make sure to send Oscar your regard'

(The Lost Boys retreat while whooping

Greta hears her past self

'I will save your brother go'

Greta watches Lost Boy 1, he holding onto his wound she hears herself says

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