♕CHAPTER 162♕I never had a boyfriend

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Greta(Angelica) saw Witty watching her friend walk from them, she replied

'He use to be a friend of my brother he betrayed my brother to Peter pan'

She saw Witty looked at her, he replied

'Oh cool'

She sees Materials she said

'I am going to make a bag'

Greta(Angelica) sees Wity grining like Cheshire cat, he replied


Greta(Angelica) got 1/2 yard cotton fabric1/2 yard of complementary cotton fabric for inner lining1/2 yard of heavy fusible interfacing42" of canvas strap fabric scissors or rotary cutter thread iron

She, cut two 18"x14" rectangles of both outer and inner fabric choices she cut two 18"x14" rectangles of interfacing. Cut canvas straps into two 21" lengths.

On the long side of all rectangles, snip a 2"x2" square from only the bottom corners. Greta(Angelica) Repeat for interfacing.

Greta(Angelica) Press interfacing to wrong side of outer fabric rectangle. She Pin outer fabric's right sides together and sew straight 1/2" seams along the sides and bottom of piece She Pinch together gaps in snipped corners, lining up the side and bottom seams in the center. She Pin straight across and sew a 1/2" seam.

She Pin right sides of inner (liner) fabric rectangles together and repeat the above steps.

She Flip liner right-side out and place inside outer fabrics so that right sides are together. She Tuck canvas straps between inner and outer fabrics so that two edges of one face the front and two edges of the other face the back of bag. She Pin the end of each canvas strap approximately four inches from side seam then pin fabric edges together around perimeter of bag opening.

She, stitch a 1/2" seam almost all the way around the tote, stopping 4" before the starting point — this should catch all four ends of the canvas straps while leaving ample room for turning.

She pull both fabrics and strapsthrough the 4" gap, turning the tote bag right-side out. She Lightly presswith a warm iron to remove wrinkles.

She top-stitch around the totebag's entire opening to finish edges. This will also help reinforce canvasstraps and shut the gap left in the previous step for turning.

Witty and Greta(Angelica) sneak, they saw Amy walk from her grandpa she went to other deck that has kitchen and hammock, etc she continuing walking Greta(Angelica) bagged her friend, hearing her screams


Witty and Greta(Angelica) grab Amy's ankles and wrist she felt being carried Greta(Angelica) hears Amy crying for help



Witty and Greta(Angelica) watchess Amy screams and wiggles Greta(Angelica) place Amy into standing potion now Greta(Angelica) hears

'Who are you?

Greta(Angelica) takes the bag off her friend's head, and she looked shocked Witty and Greta(Angelica) smilled Witty and Greta(Angelica) said


Greta(Angelica) watches Amy turns around she gasp she sees table Amy said

'Wow um this is amazing'

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