why are we still talking about this?

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four days ago, someone made a tiktok with text that said 'in honor of october first, here's the video that started it all'. in the background, the video josh and sabrina posted on halloween of last year in their sharkboy and lavagirl costumes. 

idk why we're still talking about this, but i'm still upset. first of all, what do you mean 'started it all?' that video did not start anything. the first few pics of josh and sabrina having lunch together were posted in summer 2020, and guess what, so was drivers license. seems hard to believe, but olivia didn't write dl in january. no. she wrote it in summer of 2020.

also, i would just like to make it clear that luv, josh, and sabrina didn't start anything. the fucking fans did. they didn't do anything wrong, but the olivia stans had to bully josh and sabrina because of a great song that was never confirmed to be about any of them.

also, something that happened on the second day of school made me realize how much i hate the drama. i won't go into full detail, but my chorus teacher likes to have the students answer questions for attendance just to make things more fun. so, the thing she did on the first day i had chorus, which was on the second day of school, was share our opinions on olivia. option 1 was that she's an angel, a hero, and is the best person ever. option 2 is that she sucks and needs to get over her ex-boyfriend and that she's overrated. option 3 was 'who is olivia rodrigo?' 95% of the class chose option 2, including my 30 year old teacher. i'm not obsessed with liv, but i'm not going to sit here and be mad at an 18 year old girl for having a healthy way of coping. it's not my place to say anything. and my chorus teacher is about 30. why does 30 year old teacher care so much about an 18 year old girl's love life? it just confuses me, and i don't know why people are still so obsessed with the drama.

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