(some) teachers suck

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So, I'm positive for covid, and because if that I obviously have to stay home from school. I still try to get as much work done as possible, but this situation has made me realize how vague my teachers are on Google classroom (and how little they post).

For example, my English teacher posted two things so far: one for Monday and one for Tuesday. Seems like a pretty easy thing to do, right? Well, the thing is, she doesn't specify whether the assignment is homework or classwork, so I don't know if I have to do it. And if I do have to do it, I'm not sure how because she doesn't post any notes.

Same for my Spanish teacher. I don't know if what he puts on classroom is something he expects me to do or if it's okay if I don't do it.

It's just stressful because obviously I wasn't there for the lesson so I don't know what the teacher expects us to do.

Anyways, happy new year!

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