
58 4 1

May 23rd, 2009

It was a quiet morning, on a quiet day, in an even quieter town. Mystic Falls wasn't known for much, to many people it wasn't known at all. That's how quiet the small Virginian town was. A small town, with small streets, and small problems. One such small problem belonged to a teenage girl, whose morning was less than quiet due to her twin sister in the room next to her.

It was 6:45 and Cassandra Gilbert had been rudely awakened by her dearest sister Elena Gilbert, cranking her radio up to blast Pink's 'So What?', prompting the poor unsuspecting girl to shoot up in bed. Unfortunately in the process, her legs became tangled in her sky-blue bedsheets, causing her to tumble out of bed and faceplant on the hard wooden floor. "Oowwwww." her groan was muffled by the cold floor.

Huffing, she lifted herself onto her elbows, her legs still half on the bed and her spine at a strange angle because of it. "Elena!" She very maturely wined, "Some of us like to actually sleep, can you turn it down!" Instead of the sweet sweet quiet she craved, all the girl received was footsteps leaving her sister's room and nearing her own, then her door swinging wide open. Soon her sister's unfairly cheery voice greeted her. "The only reason you want to sleep, Andy, is because you stayed up late doing today's Math homework."

Before the girl on the floor could get a word in her defence (something along the lines of homework being a scam, and Math a creation of Satan) the other Gilbert flung the bedroom's blackout curtains wide open for the sun to stream through. Causing her sister to hiss and writhe on the floor until her legs fell off of the bed, covering her face with her arms. "What are you, a vampire?" Elena laughed, used to her sister's attitude towards mornings.

The younger twin was an early bird, lived by the sun, and a social butterfly as well. She was a cheerleader, honour student, and one of the most popular girls in the school. The older twin, however, was very different. Cassandra, Andy as she preferred, was a night owl, loved by the moon, an antisocial moth her friend Caroline once called her. She volunteered with the Historical Society every chance she got, she got good grades but never stretched herself further, and other than her close friends, the only reason anyone knew her was because of her sister.

Despite being fraternal twins, they didn't even look the same. Where Elena's hair was long, straight and a shade of dark brown, Andy's was short, wavy and a medium shade of coffee brown. They had similar complexions, but from time in the sun Elena's was more olive, whilst Andy's fell on the paler end of the spectrum. However, they both shared brown eyes, height, and had slim builds, albeit Elena's was more muscled from sports. Andy'd always preferred a good book and some skittles, physical exercise leaving her breathless and fatigued.

"Well you might as well get up, since you're out of bed." She held a hand out to help her cocooned sister off of the hard cold floor. She'd been meaning to buy a new rug, she'd spilt hot cocoa on the last one. And the last one had been white. Taking the offered hand Andy managed to pull herself onto her feet, and shimmied out of her twisted blankets, it was almost as if she had been mummified and they were her wrappings. "Go get ready, I'll meet you downstairs." She cheerfully waved at the doorway before skipping downstairs, having already gotten dressed in her Cheer uniform whilst her twin was still in her fuzzy baggy pyjamas. "Uuugggghhh." Andy groaned before stumbling into the bathroom to get ready for the day, not knowing that her family would never be the same again.


The school day passed without incident, classes were boring, teachers were grouchy, students were gossiping. All in all an average day at Mystic Falls High School. As it ended Andy found herself walking across the main field outside the entrance with her sister, her sister's boyfriend Matt Donovan, and she and her sister's mutual friend Bonnie Bennett. Matt was tall with baby blue eyes, short dark blonde hair, light skin and a muscular build, since he's a part of the school's football team. Bonnie was a beautiful and attractive young woman with light brown skin, olive green eyes, a heart-shaped face, and long black hair, also slim built and a part of the cheer squad with Elena and Caroline.

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