Children of the Damned

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December 12th, 2009

If there was one thing the town of Mystic Falls was good at, it was falling back into normality no matter the disaster or bizarre events that had struck. The same could be said for its citizens, supernatural and human alike. At least, that had been the conclusion Andy had come to when entering school the day after the 50s Decade Dance of Disaster.

The clean up committee had come into school at eight o'clock sharp, a fact she only knew because Caroline was a member, and erased every trace of the dance. Almost as if it had never happened. Almost. Mr Hughes had acted his usual self, as if he hadn't killed a man the night before, the students in her class unaware of just how cautious they should've been of the man teaching them. Andy objectively knew he was the same person as always, but having seen him in action and in his element, she was reminded of how deadly he could truly be.

The school morning passed without a hitch.

At lunch Andy had been wary of eating in the cafeteria after the events that had unfolded there, but told herself she was being unreasonable and shook off any lingering unnecessary nerves. That didn't stop her from reassuringly squeezing her sister's hand, seeing her falter at the door, undoubtedly at the memory of being hunted down like prey. Caroline, Bonnie and Elena had talked about boys at their usual table, some things never changing, the younger Gilbert looking relieved at some return to normalcy whilst Andy was idly munching on the tub of fruit salad Caroline had ordered her to eat. Clearly the blonde had decided to become Andy's health coach so to speak.

Both twins had done their best to ignore the large crack in the cafeteria wall that had most of the faculty stumped.

Though she'd been hesitant to share with Elena present, apparently Caroline and Matt had officially become a couple, describing how they'd had a fight and he'd romantically chased after in his truck and swooped her into a kiss. While that had been happening, Bonnie had begun a budding flirtation with one Ben McKittrick, a former football player graduate from their school who was now a bartender. She'd even worked up the nerve to ask him on a date for karaoke on Saturday, which had Andy pouting, claiming that: "Karaoke was our girls' thing and now you're tainting it with a stupid boy!"

But there wasn't any heart to her protests, it had been awhile since Bonnie had shown genuine interest in anyone so she let the girl be, so long as she got a chance to give this Ben McKittrick a shovel talk. Besides, her false indignation had been nothing compared to the outrage from the three of them when it was revealed via slip of the tongue that Anna had been at the dance yet they all missed her, even more-so Caroline's offence at the fact Jeremy had not only met but also befriended Andy's potential paramour.

The general buzz around the usually reserved girl's love life only increased when she timidly confessed that they had arranged a maybe-kinda-date movie marathon at her house for Saturday, Elena practically giddy at the prospect of meeting Anna. She had even gushed about how well things were going with Stefan, Andy noting that Bonnie had no adverse reaction at the mention of the Salvatore, thankfully settled in her knowledge of the supernatural since her talk with Grams and Jay.

Seeing as it seemed any tensions between Elena, Matt, Stefan and Caroline had been settled, at least for the most part, Caroline had made the bold decision to include the boys in that year's Secret Santa that usually belonged to just the four of them. Of course she then recruited Andy as her personal elf to track the boys down and drag them to the table so they could all pull out names. She ended up with Matt.

It was when the bell rang for class Stefan had pulled her aside to explain he had made a deal with Damon to help him rescue Katherine from the tomb, so long as the pair of them left town soon afterwards. Seeing as they had discussed that exact scenario as a plan B when the crystal was still in play, she had let a smidgen of hope swell in her chest that the active threats would soon be over, only to have it drop into her stomach like a stone when Stefan revealed he planned on betraying him.

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