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October 31st, 2009

One of the greatest days of the year was upon them, which Andy couldn't be more thankful for. Caroline's 17th birthday had come and gone, they'd had a small get together, nothing too big since Caroline believed 17 to be a 'filler-year' to get to 18. Andy had taken the event as a chance to check up on everyone.

Bonnie had been given Emily's talisman, which had Andy telling her about the pentagram shadow and asking Sheila about it as an explanation of how her Gram's had gotten ahold of it. She had begun learning about witchcraft from the older witch, though apparently it was mostly 'looking through a bunch of old pictures and dusty books and not enough magic'. According to her friend that is. Unfortunately she had recognised Emily from her vision in the pictures, and had been incredibly confused as to how Damon Salvatore had been alive 145 years ago, drawing the conclusion that both of the Salvatore brothers were also witches, doing black magic to stay alive and youthful.

A 'Dorian Grey' esque situation, which Andy rolled with since it was better than explaining the truth. Thankfully it seemed as if her Grams hadn't said anything to her about the vampire tomb, or vampires in general, most likely trying to keep her granddaughter out of that business which Andy couldn't blame.

Caroline seemed to be relatively back to normal, though she had confessed to having missing time and not knowing why she had said or done certain things, and there was plenty of complaining about Damon Salvatore which she had thoroughly enjoyed contributing to. She had also spotted a small spark of recognition on Caroline's face when she saw Emily's pendant on Bonnie's neck, and when the blonde had asked whether Bonnie had worn it before, she quickly told her it was an old heirloom that had been displayed at the Founder's Party and Bonnie had decided to get intouch with her roots after hearing the story behind it. She had then had to madly dash over to said witch to get her to go along with the story, saying it was a better explanation than 'it was an ancient talisman that belonged to her witch ancestor'.

Andy managed to arrange a hangout with Jay where they exchanged info about how they were both involved in the paranormal mess in Mystic Falls. Turns out Jay's dead-beat Dad had been a witch, that or he had come from a magical line. Their Mama had freaked out when at age 6 a toddler tantrum had caused it to start hailing indoors, running to the resident Occult professor Sheila Bennet for guidance, only to have the existence of magic be thrown at her. However, Daniela Morales was no stranger to adversity, as a young single mother and a chef who worked endless shifts at the Grill, she handled the turning of her world upside down once again with endless grace. Sheila had apparently been mentoring Jay in witchcraft as a child and continued to do so at Whitmore, which made Jay's double major in Theatre and Occult studies make sense.

She had eventually gotten in touch with Grams, and the two of them had discussed the matter of the magically sealed tomb in the woods. They had gone back to the site, the uneasy feeling she had experienced last time had only increased tenfold knowing what was underneath her, and Sheila had casted a subtle deterrence spell that would make anyone who came near the ruins but didn't know about the tomb want to turn back as soon as they got near. It was better than disguising the giant pit in the ground and having a drunk teen literally stumble upon it.

Andy had also decided it would be best to wait until Vicki had a better grip on her vampirism before telling Stefan that his dead-vampire-ex-girlfriend was maybe not-so-dead and magically sealed in a tomb with 26 other vampires that may be very pissed off and definitely very hungry. Also that Damon had known this the entire time but still held a grudge against him for the whole fiasco and was planning on releasing them. Speaking of Stefan's exes...

Elena had taken to moping in her bed and sad movie marathons became regular in the household. Between Elena in the breakup blues, Jenna believing Logan had skipped town which Andy felt conflicted over knowing the truth, and Jeremy having heard nothing from Vicki, everyone was feeling miserable in the love department. Well, everyone except for Andy. Amidst playing middle-man between the different parts of what was becoming a supernatural community, Andy had been somewhat regularly meeting up with Anna since the other girl was home-schooled, once even spending the whole day together.

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