Interview with the Vampire

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September 13th, 2009

Andy woke up early that morning with a dull, dazed feeling. She was still fully dressed and on top of the covers for some reason, one of her shoes was still half on one foot. Blearily she checked the clock on her wall opposite her bed and above her door. 5:30. Her blankets didn't feel as soft as they usually were, the air wasn't too hot or too cold, the light flooding through her curtains when she opened them was neither bright nor dim.

When walking it felt more like trudging sludge, the hard wood where her white rug used to be wasn't as cold on her uncovered foot as usual. It took her a moment to remember the day before when she got into her bathroom, going through the motions of her normal morning. She remembered having breakfast, she remembered a normal school day, she remembered the footb- the football game.

She froze in the middle of brushing her teeth, staring at her reflection wide eyed in the mirror. She remembered Damon, Stefan, the fangs and the veins, Tanner's sounds of pain before silence. She remembered running like mad after seeing his face. His real face. She had found Caroline and demanded she take her home, knowing that once they found Tanner there was no way the game would go ahead.

If she asked Elena she wouldn't have let it drop, her twin had the annoying habit of nosiness, and Andy didn't know what the hell she was going to tell her if she asked. Thankfully, Caroline had seen the utter terror and horror on her face and quickly driven her home. Aunt Jenna had wondered where her siblings were, but seeing the exhaustion on her alarmingly pale face, she let her head to bed, no questions asked. She had collapsed and then been tormented by blood, bone and crows all night long.

"Holy shit." She whispered to herself, all the sensations she hadn't felt rushing back to her at full force. She dropped her toothbrush into the sink as she walked away from the mirror, frantic breath bubbling in her lungs. Her back hit the wall and she slowly slid down to the floor, trying to take back control of her emotions through deep breaths. Once she had a somewhat solid grip on rational thought she started thinking of a game plan, how does one go about dealing with the existence of vampires?

Well, when Hermione discovered she was a witch she learnt all the set spell books by heart, and knowledge was power right? Nodding to herself in agreement with her plan, Andy dragged herself up from the floor and scrambled to her laptop. She picked up her journal as she pulled up her web browser, planning on making it her unofficial vampire and supernatural manual, as well as a journal. She wrote down everything she already knew from 'Dracula', her parents' stories, and what she heard from the Salvatores. Andy pointedly ignored everything that came from the Twilight Saga.


A vampire is a creature from folklore that subsists by feeding on the vital essence (generally in the form of blood) of the living. In European folklore, vampires are undead creatures that often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods they inhabited while they were alive.


Fangs, red scleras, and veins under eyes

Can control people's minds using 'compulsion'

Superhuman strength & speed

Vervain stops compulsion

Unable to enter a place unless invited by someone of the household - Damon was insistent that either Elena or I verbally invite him in


Stake to heart kills them

Can't go out in sunlight - Salvatores seen in daylight(?)

Repelled by crucifixes and holy water

Control of animals - Mysterious Crow (?)

Beauty and BloodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz