huh (part 25)

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*r,j&g get into the car*

Gsus: ugh where are we going?

Jake: shut your bitch ass up 😠😠🤬

Gsus: i hate you both and i hate the lgbt people they are shits and i only support homophobia 😡😠🤬

Ray: jake it's time

Jake: *throws homophobic asshole out of the fucking window*

Ray: great job 😏💕

*they kiss*

Gsus: lets give those bitches some revenge😡 *walks to their house*

Ray: *opens door* YOUU!😡😡🤬🤬😠

Jake: raybyboy who's there?🥰

Ray: its that crusty musty ass gsus 🤬🤬😡😡

Jake: back off you homophobe 😠😠😡😡

Gsus: i came here to kill you *stabs ray*

Jake: STAWP!!🥺🥺💕

*kills gsus*

Jake: fuck that bitch stabbed my boy!!😓😓😰😰 now im e-e-emo 💔💔

*drives to the hospital*

*ray comes back to life*

Ray: jake....w-w-w-what did you do to that guy?

Jake: i killed him 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Ray: wtf

Jake: jk i didnt i just locked him up in the basement and taught him a lesson

Ray: awe jake i-i-i-i love you 🥺🥺💕💕👉🏼👈🏼

Jake: ily too👉🏼👈🏼🥺💕

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