Chapter 3

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Deimos stands next to Ron as they get wait to travel to Diagon Alley, Fred and George walk over "Mum's on her way, Ginny couldn't find her shoes." George tells them. Nodding Deimos starts biting his lip nervously "What's wrong?" Ron asks. "Nothing." he responds. "Rubbish." the twins say. "Fine... I'm scared that we'll see Narcissa and Lucius. Even more scared about seeing Draco, I don't want his parents to find out we've been writing to each other." Deimos mumbles. His three brothers look at each other "If we do we'll ignore them." Ron shrugs. "Yeah, just because we see them doesn't mean we have to talk to them." Fred nods. "But what if they come over to me?" Deimos asks. "Then we'll be there with you." George promises. Deimos nods as Percy, Ginny and their mum walk over "You four ready? Good." Molly smiles handing out the floo powder. Percy walks over to the fireplace and climbs in "Diagon Alley." he says before throwing the powder down and disappearing in a flood of green fire. "Deimos, you next sweetie." Molly tells him. Deimos goes over to the fireplace, climbing in "Diagon Alley." he states before throwing the sparkly black powder down. Green flames engulf him as he starts spinning, climbing out when he sees his brother. Percy goes over end brushes the soot out of his youngest brother's hair as Ron climbs out.

Once everyone has arrived Molly looks round "Why don't you go with Fred and George to get your wand Deimos. We'll meet the three of you once we've got the robes." Molly suggests hand Deimos some money. Nodding three of them go off and walk into Olivander's "Ah, I was wondering when you'd arrive." Olivander tells them bringing some wand boxes with him. Deimos steps forward slightly as Olivander holds out a wand "Try this one." the man tells him. Giving it a swish Deimos makes some of the papers shoot across the room "Maybe not." Olivander comments as Deimos puts it back on the table. Deimos tries six more wands before Olivander goes to the back of the shop and comes out with a velvet box, he pulls out a thin wand with blue detailing at the end where the grip is. Taking it Deimos feels a warmth flood through him "Amazing." Olivander remarks. "What is sir?" Deimos asks. "I made this wand a very long time ago, in all those years I have never used this wand core again." Olivander responds. "What is the wand core?" Deimos asks him. "Mermaid hair. It is a very rare core and the wood is also quite rare, Rowan and Elder." Olivander explains. Deimos looks at the wand "Mermaid hair wands only bond with someone who truly deserves the power and is a very loyal core. Rowan and Elder are both very powerful aswell, I believe that you will do great things with this wand." Olivander continues. Deimos nods and pays before he and the twins leave the shop.

They meet their mum and other siblings at Florish and Blotts "Good you've got your wand

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They meet their mum and other siblings at Florish and Blotts "Good you've got your wand. Books next then we'll go and get the rest of the stuff." Molly tells them. "Mum, can I go get some owl treats for Star? I also need to get a better lock for Scuttle's den and a new sapling for Sprig's tank." Deimos says. "Yes, we'll meet you there. I've got the money for your books and other bits, here's the rest so you can get what you need." Molly smiles. "Thanks mum." Deimos smiles. "We're coming with." Fred and George tell him with grins. Smiling the three of them head to Magical Menagerie "Deimos, haven't seen you for a couple of weeks. How are Star, Scuttle and Sprig?" Annie, the shop owner, smiles. They're great Annie. I'm here to get owl treats for Star, a new lock for Scuttle and a new sapling for Sprig's tank." Deimos explains. "You know where everything is. I was also wondering if you could take something off my hands?" Annie asks the boy. "What is it?" Deimos asks excitedly. Annie brings out a tank with a baby Runespoor in it "That's a baby Runespoor, where did you get it?" Deimos asks. "My brother went to Africa in the summer. He found this one on its own, he needed a family to survive as he is so small. Darius found one but they tried to kill him so he brought him home, we have all the paperwork and everything we just need someone to take care of him." Annie explains. "I'll take him." Deimos tells her. "I'll go get all the stuff, your mum has to sign the paperwork though as you're only eleven." Annie smiles as Deimos picks up the baby Runespoor.

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