Chapter 20

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Deimos sits under a tree in the snow, smiling as a robin flies over and lands on his knee "Hello Little one." he greets, gently stroking its chest with the back of his finger. "Dei! What are you doing out here?! It's freezing, you're going to get sick!" Draco exclaims, walking past the entrance hall door and seeing his twin. Deimos looks up and smiles "I like the snow, besides, I've made a friend." he responds, motioning to the bird that is still perched on his knee. Draco looks at him incredulously "Deimos, you're in your school uniform with no winter clothes! Come on!" he tells him. "Fine, if it'll stop you worrying." Deimos sighs, slowly getting up. The robin flies onto his head, making itself comfortable in his hair "I'm guessing you're coming with me then?" he smiles, walking back into the school. Draco immediately feels his hands "Dei, you're freezing!" he scolds. "I'm alright, Dray. I don't mind the cold." Deimos tells his twin. "That's besides the point, you'll end up getting sick if you're not careful. You don't want to miss seeing Charlie at Christmas because you're too ill to travel to Romania." Draco tells him. Deimos pouts slightly, the robin in his hair chirping slightly. Draco smiles slightly "I don't think you're losing that bird anytime soon." he says. "I'll have to name her." Deimos agrees, reaching up and stroking the bird gently.

The twins sit in the Great Hall, working on their transfiguration homework together when Hermione walks over to"Dei, I'm stuck on part of my homework." she admits shyly. "Take a seat, I can give you a hand." he tells her. Hermione looks at Draco before doing so "What are you stuck on?" Deimos asks. "History of Magic." she responds. "Here, these are my notes. Read through them and if you still need help, just ask." Deimos tells her, handing her a roll of parchment. "Thank Dei." Hermione smiles, taking the notes. Draco glares at his essay, Deimos chuckling "Why are you glaring at your work?" he asks. "Because I can't remember the right wand movement for Avifors." Draco responds. Hermione grabs a piece of parchment and draws the movement "Uh, here." she tells him, passing it to the Slytherin twin. Draco looks slightly surprised "Er, thanks." he responds, taking the parchment. Deimos smiles slightly, continuing with his own essay as his twin and best friend carry on with their own.

The three of them finish their homework "I better go finish packing, I'm heading home tomorrow." Deimos says, realising the time. "I'll send you your Christmas present." Draco tells him. "I'll do the same. If I don't see you tomorrow morning, have a good Christmas, Dray." Deimos smiles, hugging his brother. "You too, Dei." Draco responds, hugging him back. "Have a good Christmas, Draco." Hermione says, standing up. "You too, Hermione." Draco responds, slightly surprised at the girl's kindness. Deimos and Hermione walk off in the direction of Gryffindor tower "Thank you for making an effort with Draco, Mione." Deimos tells his best friend. "You're welcome, Dei. He's your brother and I want to try and get along with him for you, you're my best friend."Hermione responds. Deimos smiles, the robin hopping down onto his shoulder "I still need a name for you, little one." he tells the small bird. "What about Ruby?" Hermione suggests. "I like it." Deimos smiles, gently stroking the robin with his finger. Hermione smiles and strokes the bird too, the two of them reaching the common room and walking in "Where have you been?" Ron asks. "Doing homework." Deimos responds, walking up to the dormitory.

The next morning, Deimos and Hermione sit on the train together. They soon arrive at the train station, the two of them jump off the train and grab their trunks "See you on the train back to Hogwarts." Hermione smiles, hugging Deimos. "See you in a couple weeks, Mione." he smiles, hugging her back before going to find his parents. Finding his Dad, Deimos smiles and walks over "Hey Dad." he grins, hugging him. "Deimos, how was your first term?" Arthur asks, taking his son's trunk. "Good." Deimos responds as they leave the platform. "Just 'good'?" Arthur asks hi, raising a brow. "Ron and I had a couple falling outside, but I'm all good." Deimos tells him. "Okay, as long as you're alright." Arthur nods. Deimos nods and takes his Dad's arm, Arthur apparating them home. Deimos is immediately tackled by a flurry of long red hair "Deimos!" Ginny grins, hugging him. "Hey Ginny. Miss me?" he chuckles. "Yes, what's Hogwarts like? What's your favourite part?" Ginny asks him. "Let him breathe, Ginny. How are you Sweetheart?" Molly asks, hugging her son. "I'm alright, Mum. Happy to be seeing Charlie soon though." Deimos smiles, hugging her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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