rekindled relationships

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I wake up at the bell

Ring ring

Us anbu black ops are trained to sleep lightly just incase we are in need to keep watch at night, we are trained to wake up even at the slightest shuffle of anything

We also take night showers so we can get to do our jobs sooner, did I mention that we get up at 5:00 am

I put on my uniform and head out to where all the anbu meet

When I walk I look for sai

I found him and walk up

" hi, sai" I say in a formal way

"Hi, miya, how about we start the day off steady" sai says

" we always do" I say

Just then danzo walks out

Me and Sai quickly put our hands behind our back and stand straight and respectful

" hello anbu black ops, we are still on the search for the last Uchiha, but with no leads it will be hard, that's why today's mission for all except 2 anbu black ops is to try and find a lead" danzo  says

" yes sir" all of us say

" sai, miya, stay behind when everyone is dismissed " danzo commands

" of course, commander" we both say as we bow

"Alright, get in teams and find leads, you are dismissed " danzo says

As asked me and Sai stay behind, we walk a little closer to danzo so he can speak clearly and we can get our orders

" you two will travel with former team 7 that is the team Sasuke was originally assigned to before he left, miya as you may know, was also assigned to that team before she joined anbu black ops" danzo says

" of course, commander" me and Sai say as we bow

" you may go now" danzo says

Me and Sai walk of to go out to the village to find team 7 for danzo did not tell us where they may be located, but I know where they could be

" our old meet up spot" I mumble

" speak up miya. What did you say" sai says

" they must be located at our old meet up spot" I say

" then let's go there" sai says running out the door

I follow him then slowly take the lead for he does not know where he's going

We stop on this roof and sai motions for us to get down low

We stay still and observe Naruto talking with shikamaru and choji

" im gonna test his strength " sai says

I nodd

Sai takes out his paint brush and ink and draws a tiger

I see choji and shikamaru react as soon as they see the tiger, and they react rather appropriately

Naruto notices us and run towards us

Sai releases more tigers and shikamaru  uses some type of shadow stabby thingy and the paint splatters

Naruto runs ups to us with a kunai in hand and sai blocks with his sword

Ibook at Naruto in his eyes as my long pink  pastel hair flows in the wind

I slowly get up

" sai, wrap this up, that's enough" I say turning my back

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