Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Rayne, It’s time to wake up.”  My mother said as she knocked on my door lightly. I rolled over slowly glancing out my window to see that the rain had yet to stop through the night. Groaning I got out of bed and made my way down the short stairs into our small living room, where a couch sat made of  soft leaves and twisted wood. I saw that the fire place was running low. 

“Mother, I’m getting more wood!” I yelled up the stairs. I grabbed a cloak and walked out the rounded door. The narrow dirt pathway circled by trees made it’s way to our wood pile. Here is where I filled a wheelbarrow and pushed it back. “If I were more Fairy” I said to myself “This would be so much easier.” I grunted pushing it up the now mucky path. When I reentered our small cabin, my mother was smiling wide, her features now much older then twenty five years ago. Her hair was much like mine, braided in small places and pulled back. Grey hairs mixed with her brown locks. Her purple eyes matched mine, and wrinkles were forming around her large smiling lips. “What?” I said a smile forming on mine. I knew what was about to happen but that didn’t make it any less special. My mother moved to one side, revealing a small birthday gift, Fairy magic filled the air and I knew that it was something old this year. I walked slowly up to it, opening the box. Inside there was a large pendant, where there should have been a stone, there was glass. My mother spoke as I rolled the pendant in my hand.

“Twenty six years ago, I traveled a long journey, to the Elf Kingdom of Tine.” my eyes widened I’d never heard this story “I was welcomed by King Zepher himself, he invited to me stay in his Kingdom. You see, our King had told me to go there on special business, at the time I did not know what business it was he wanted me to perform.  That night as I walked around the white marble and crystal world the Elves had created, I met a man, named Tagar. His eyes were the most beautiful green I had ever seen, he was also very handsome. It was then our love affair began. Over the next few months I was asked to teach the Elves about Fairy customs. When my job was done, I was asked to leave the Kingdom and say goodbye to my love, Tagar. I still remember our parting words, for as long as we both live, the magic will flow through this pendant. The Pendant you are holding Rayne. We set a spell on that glass, so that we could always find one another. When I returned to the Fairy Kingdom, I found out I was pregnant, but knew I could never return to the Elf world. It was not a place to raise a child, especially if you turned out more Fairy than Elf. When you were born, and looked up at me, I knew you were going to be much more Elf than I planned. Even now you are taller then Fairies, your wings never came, and even your magic is much more powerful than anything I possess. My beautiful daughter, now that you are twenty five I know that it is time you meet your father. That pendant you are holding will allow you to find him.” My mother stared at me, her skin had gone pale, and she was shaking a little bit. I knew I was mirroring her, but I couldn’t get any words out quite yet. The Pendant was beautiful, it was forged of steal and had colors swimming through the glass. I looked up to my mother and hugged her close.

“Thank you Mother.” At that moment all the memories of birthdays and days when I felt like I didn’t fit it, hit me. I wanted nothing more then to know the world that I should have been born into. “When can I leave, and how does this work?” I said holding the pendant to my mother. She smiled softly, the way she does when she is being wise. 

“As soon as you pack, I have a horse and a boat for you to get across the water to the mainland. When the Pendant starts forming a picture, it means you are getting close to Tagar. head towards the Elf Kingdom, you will find your way.” She gave me a hug and I ran up the stairs. Throwing spare clothes and other small personal belongings. I ran down the stairs gave my mother a kiss, grabbed my horse and began my journey. The shortest trek was that to the pier, where a small boat awaited me. I used my magic to push the boat to the mainland, and now the hard part began. I looked out to the forest and took a deep breath, did I really want to do this? Looking back towards the island I realized I never belonged there. Maybe I will belong in the Elf Kingdom better? I really wouldn’t know until I made my way there.  I got on the back of my all white horse, and began east. 

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