Chapter 3- His Name Fits Him

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A visible sigh came out of my lips as I looked up at him. “Zepher fits him.” I thought, and I noticed his frown was getting worse, so I actually tried to understand what he had just said. Wait, did he say King? A crease appeared on my forehead and I couldn’t help but realize their was a mirrored one on his. I took a deep breath, then looked into those eyes.

“Your King.” I said matter-of-fact.

“Yes.” He replied.

“And I’m your soul mate?” I asked

“Yes, I believe so.” He said pulling me closer

“Are you sure?” was my final question before his lips pressed to mine. I had never been kissed before, and I couldn’t help but wonder why. His lips were unbelievably soft and the small movements he made, made my lips tingly. Before I knew it his hands were running circles over my back and my hands were in his hair, softly pulling.  I felt rather then heard a slight moan in his chest, and when I opened my mouth, a matching one came from mine. When his tongue slid into my mouth, I thought my body might just catch on fire. I had never felt like this ever before in my entire life. All I wanted was to be here in this moment for the rest of eternity. Then it happened.

“What are you doing my King.” A snarled woman’s voice came from across the room. He suddenly pulled away from me, turning so he was in front, blocking my view of who ever had talked. 

“Diminia, I’m..” He trailed off as she interrupted.

“Kissing that ugly half breed?” She almost yelled at him. I felt all of his muscles tightened, and saw as his hands clenched. 

“She may be a half breed, but she is a far better Elf then you, you may not speak to your king that way.” He half yelled as he began stepping towards her.

“You may forget Zepher, but I have been your lover for over a century, and now you are kissing that new thing?” She yelled right back, flicking her wrist in my direction. He froze, and took a deep breath. His now icey blue eyes turned to look at me.

“Rayne do you mind leaving us to talk?” It was almost a whisper, even with those angry blue eyes staring at me, I wanted nothing more then to stay. Leaving his, lover, and him alone. Jealousy was creeping into my heart and I knew at some point we would have to discuss this. I felt hurt sink into my eyes and I knew he saw it. I walked away without saying a word having to pass by Diminia. If you ever thought I was beautiful, you have to have seen Diminia. Her eyes were a vibrant blue, much like Zephers, and her thin body made mine look fat. Her face looked as if it had been sculpted by the marble that surrounded her and her lips were very full. Her hair was pure blonde, almost white, and it was long enough that it almost swept the floor. Hurt filled my body, even if I was his soul mate he would clearly want her more. I mean, she was the epitome of beauty and I was a half-breed. I avoided her gaze as I walked past her and up the stairs. Leaving the castle I let a sigh escape and a few tears fall down my face. The walk ways I once thought were beautiful now were like prison bars, showing that I was just a common person, who had never known pure beauty. I arrived home when the moon was full in the sky, my front door illuminated. I made my way to my room and slipped my dress off, leaving just my slip. I laid down on my bed starring up at the ceiling. After a few minutes tears began falling , and my entire body shook. I curled up in a ball and waited for the end. My heart felt like it was melting in my chest and that it would never be repaired. 

“Stupid, stupid, Rayne.” I said to myself, as I began to calm down. “Thinking someone as beautiful as..” a sob escaped my lips  “Zepher.” tears streamed at the thought of him “would want you.” thats where I broke down. Tears flowed and my body shook, I closed my eyes tight just wanting the hurt to go away. I heard a soft knock on the door, but I couldn’t bother to move to look who it was. My father entered and sat on my bed rubbing my hair out of my face. 

“What hapend Rayne?” He asked concern written on his face.  I let shaky words come out of my mouth with each sob.

“Zepher , and Diminia, and , and, and.” I cried into my father’s shoulder as he held me tight.  “she’s so pretty father, so so pretty.” he rubbed my hair and back trying to calm me down.

“But your’e his soul mate, all he wants is you.” We both heard from the doorway. My father tensed instantly blocking the doorway. I turned in my bed to face away, I didn’t want to face the owner of that voice, not now, not when I looked like a mess. I felt my father stand and I couldn’t hear the words he mumbled, but I did hear him shut my door.  I tried to stop the tears, and the shaking, and the sobs, but a few escaped. I felt him sit on my bed and a hand come to run a hand through my hair. I felt him lay down behind me and his arm came to wrap around my waist. His hand interlaced with mine. Looking at our intertwined fingers a soft smile appeared on my face. I let my eyes close and after a while I stopped crying and was very sleepy. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

“Sleep Rayne, I’ll be here in the morning.” I did what I was told and fell into the best sleep of my life.

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