Game Day

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Emily POV
it's game day, and we were all excited. ,,
It was also Uncle Hayes' first day here.
I get to stay at the high school the whole day and the football field and then I do the whole pep talk thing and then it starts.
The football team is like my big brothers. They are way too protective but I love them anyway. Every game day I switch the jerseys. Then I always take a game day pic with the team and the cheerleading squad, and the person who I'm wearing the jersey.
I woke up feeling refreshed and in the sprit. Before I got ready, I went down stairs and went to the kitchen.everyone was in the kitchen and Lyndsey had a smile on her face because she knew that today was game day.
"DADDY! MY FOOTBALL BOYS ARE COMING OVER AFTER THE GAME THAT I WANT ALL LF YOU GUYS TO GO TO, they are like my hotthers since the beginning so PWESHHHH?" I asked
"Of course baby girl."
"Oh and Hayes, I can show you around and go to your classes because I stay at the high school on game days."
"Okay thanks munchkin"
"Who's jersey are you wearing today?"Lyndsey asked
"James I believe, hold on let me call and ask." I said
James=J Emily =E
E= Jamsieeeee!
E= I'm wearing your jersey today right?
J=Yeah! So I heard you got adopted by Cameron Dallas
E=Yup he's my dad now, so I'll see you in school, I'm showing my uncle Hayes around and he's gonna be a freshman.
J= okay I'll see you later

After that I got dressed into James' jersey with my varsity wild cat letterman jacket and black high wasted shorts. I tucked the jersey in because they were really big.
I came racing downstairs and picked up my floral back pack. I ate with dad and he took me, Lyndsey, and Poo Bear to school. First he dropped Lyndsey off, then he dropped Hayes and I off but went inside with us
Everybody in the office greeted me and fangirled over dad and uncle poo bear. I take it that they were fans.
"Hey guys I'm taking my uncle to his class now, can I have his schedule?"
"Sure Em, excited for the game tonight agains San Francisco rivers?" The office lady said
"I always am, those river rats have nothing against us." I said and spat out in disgust the word river rats
"Okay here you go. Have wonderful first day Hayes. And Em, I'll be at the game to support, it good to see the river rats losing."
"I'll be going now, have a great day guys," dad says and he kisses my forehead.
"Bye daddy!" I then brought Hayes to his first class.
The football team has at least one class with him so that's good.
All the teachers in this school were fun and chill so every body loved them.
The first class Hayes had was History with Mr.Lush.
We arrived that the door and I just swung it open because they love me.
"Hayyyyyyyy peoples, miss your little sister.?"
After I asked that I got tackled by Mason, the QB of our Los Angeles Wild cats.
"What the hell Mason, Get your fat ass off of me ya fat oompa looma." I exclaimed loosing breath because he was squishing me.
"I ain't no fatty, it's pure muscle baby sister." Mason bragged with a cocky smirk on his face
"Yeah, pure muscle my ass," I muttered quietly, but I guess it wasn't quiet because everyone started laughing.
"Okay everyone, I got adopted by my dad, Cameron Dallas----- "at this point all the girls were fangirling and stuff . "And this is my uncle Hayes Grier." That's when he'll went loose.

He made it through his first day. I asked Uncle Hayes if he wanted to come with us to the field and just hang out there til the game starts. He said sure so we all drove to the stadium where the football field was.
Coach Drums was there and he sees me as a daughter so I'm aloud to do a lot of things and help out.
"Wait before that the pictures!" I yelled
Everyone cheered because they love taking pictures on Game Days.
I took a picture with every cheerleader, the cheerleading squad, the football team, every football player, and a twinsee pic with James.
I then changed my clothes into my cheerleading outfit.
Uncle Hayes was throwing the football around with the guys.
Coach Drums told
Uncle Hayes that he could be in the team and play the next games.
I was practicing my tumbling and I did 3 back-handsprings onto a standing full. Then I did some tucks and a front walkover. That's the easiest thing I could do, it was really simple and easy.
It was time for the prayer and the pep talk. The stands were already starting to fill up.
we all stood in a circle holding hands including Uncle Hayes.
I said the prayer like I always do. "We pray that everyone will be safe during this game. We pray that our football players would have any fights with those river rats. We pray that each and every player has the motivation to beat those river rats. thank you. Amen"
It was time for the pep talk
"Okay guys, this is it. The real deal, those river rats have gotten a little better since last year, but they won't stand us down. They still can shit talk us and try to make trouble, but they've got nothing against us. This is our turf and we beat them on their own turf. LETS SHOW THOSE LOSER RIVER RATS WHAT THEYRE GOING AGAINST AGAIN!"
we put our hands in the middle together and did our chant with the rest of the school minus my new family.
Lyndsey knew the chant so she yelled with us while everyone got settled. The chant was the best part of the pep talk because we all do it and it shows that were all together as one
It's a tradition that will never change. It will always be in. Our hearts.
The San Fran rivers came when we did our chant and some of their fans chanted with us too... Shows that some of them like us better then their rats.
Angelo, who was liner back's dad did the announcements.
"Coming back to play, The San Fran Rivers, AND THE BEASTS ON THE STREETS, OUR L.A. WILDCATSSS"
I sang the National anthem while all the players put their helmets on their hearts and the cheerleader out their Pom poms to their hearts.
Uncle Hayes went back to the stands next to dad and uncle Nash.
We cheered and put all of our motivation to this game.
At half time, I went to the stands while the rest were getting ready for the dance battle between our cheerleading squad plus Lyndsey and their squad.
"It's time Lynds, let's go let's show those brats what they're going up against again, I swear one of these day I'm going to fucking get so much revenge on the. For what they have fuckin done." I muttered
"Get ready for what munchkin?" Daddy asks
"We have a dance, rap, singing, tumbling, or cheering battle every game and we switch up every time and this time it's a dance battle. There will be judges from other places and they decide.nothing like a good competition." I responded
The whole family was there and wished me and Lyndsey good luck. We also met new family members too
Aunt Bethany
Uncle Jacob
Aunt Lauren
Aunt Arden
And Daddy said that we will meet more people tomorrow.
I decided that we were doing Aunt Bethany's song with Mike Tompkins called Need You Right Now while the other squad did All About It by Hoodie Allen ft Ed sheeran
After we did that, the judges talked over and they took the mic.
In the last quarter of the game, it was 46 home-8 away.
The last seconds Mason ran or the touchdown line while Angelo threw the ball and it landed perfectly in Masons arms.
The horn blew off and it signalled the end of the game. I ran and cheered and gave everybody a hug.
Later on we went home and I changed into my pjs and fell asleep after saying goodnight to everybody.
Yet again, another great day.

Our last name is now Dallas (ON HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя