whats up with him?

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Rindou and Sanzu look at the baby. Rindou making such an unpleasant face. While Sanzu just watch how Ran feed the baby.

Ran ask them a lot of questions. "who's baby is this? You guys kidnapped it? Where did you find it? Is that Sanzu kid? Who's the mother?Did you kill the parents?"

Sanzu just remain silent and Rindou just tell him that they found it in front of abandon building. To be honest Rindou a bit relief because Ran completely forgot about his so-precious-watch.

"Hey guys so... Oh god. What is that?" Ask koko that just come to the room. "Ran I don't know that you have a kid."

"Ha-ha-ha funny. This is sanzu's kid." Said ran while pointing his finger to sanzu.

"Dude that's not min... Actually, that baby is mine" Said sanzu with proud face.

"I can't believe you. Do you know what boss will do if he see this?"

"Wait why not? It's not like he need to pay for child support." Ask rindou with confusion.

"Well Mikey hate loud things. And baby could be so loud."

"Whatever. I will figuring it out myself." Sanzu rolled his eyes.

The baby suddenly laugh. Three of them are froze. Why did the baby finally laugh?. Only Ran the one who is calm. He don't know how to raising a baby, but he still able to figuring out how to take care of it.

"Hey sanzu, don't you want to hold it? After all it's your kid." Ran give the baby to sanzu. Sanzu is struggling to adjust his hand so he didn't hurt the baby.

"Is that how you do it?" It's such a relief how the baby didn't refuse him at all.

Sanzu is speechless when the baby's head is resting in his shoulder. The baby is looking at him said something that not really clear but understanble.

"ma ma ma...mamama"

"Did that baby just say mama?" Ask rindou.

"Don't be silly. I'm sure its just a mumble. After all that is simple sentences that every baby can say." Ran try to explain to Rindou.

"Sanzu next time wear protection." Koko said. Its been his job to control sanzu.

Sanzu didn't listen to other voice. All his attention focus to the baby.

"Say papa"

Sanzu voice is so gentle. Koko,ran and rindou is looking at each other. How on earth sanzu suddenly act like this?

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