𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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Baby Hanan is at right side of the bed. She just look at Sanzu. Sanzu at left side of bed also look at her.

"Well umm... It should be fine right? I put pillow at your side so you dont roll down. Now what should I do?"

Sanzu know baby hanan wouldn't answer that. So he just search 'how to make baby sleep' on you tube.

"Okay so if I rock you slowly you will sleep right? Or you want to listend to mozart?"

The baby didnt answer but sanzu still play the mozart song. He make a conclusion that the baby will get bored and go to sleep.

'You tube is so usefull. Its one of the greatest apps ever made.' From that day, he become you tube biggest fan.

He turn to be sleeping too without even realising it.

He wake up from loud crying baby voice. He about to get mad but then remember that he do have a baby by his side.

"Baby why are you crying? Are you hungry? Wait, let me get you some milk."

The baby still crying. Sanzu try to be as fast as he can. He put hot water and some powder milk that he ask his underling buy into the bottle.

He feed the milk to the baby. But he cry even more. The baby tears is flowing without stop as if she in pain.

Sanzu is panic. He dont know what to do. He then try to check the baby diapers. But the baby JUST WONT STOP CRYING. Sanzu try to figure out what happen.

Sanzu than realise something. He feed the baby with hot water. He forgot that baby is sensitive to heat and he literally feed a hot milk without even cool it down.

Seeing how the baby cry sanzu felt panic. He didnt even change his pyjamas. He took his dompet and car key. He gonna bring baby hanan to the doctor.

"Sorry. Im sorry. I really am. What was I thinking? I cant do this. I never could." Sanzu couldnt help but blaming himself all the way to the hospital.

Sanzu just realise that its still early. It about 5am and road is still clear. The baby in his arm make it a bit hard for him to drive. He kiss the baby head and hope that her stop crying.

They arrived at hospital. The nurse took the baby so she can get checked.

"Sir does this baby still dont register yet? We need her information."

"No she dont. We will do it later after she get her treatmen."

The nurse nod her head. He escort sanzu to baby hanan treatmen room. He see how her didnt cry anymore.

'Stupid sanzu. Dumb sanzu. How could you be so stupid?'It gonna be a lie if he said that he dont feel sad.

"Can you change her diapers too? Im gonna pay of course"

"Yes sir we will. While we do that why dont you register her first."

"I will."

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