So we meet again

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America's POV

I'm a three now, so I can't play music at parties anymore. I decided to become a teacher, so I could help others learn music. In Illèa, each teacher had to fill out an application form before they started to teach. Prior to when they got a job, their soon-to-be boss would consult the application to see if the teacher is what they are looking for. All the files are in the palace, but workplaces can request for a copy. This program was put in place a few years ago, to ensure that every school had top-quality teachers. At least, that's what the royal family said on the Report before it was initiated, but everyone knew it was to stop people from lying on their applications. My heart dropped a little as I thought about the royal family. Princess Anna and Prince Daniel. They were the media darlings, and everyone adored them. Queen Kriss. She was beautiful, shy, and, for the most part, silent. The perfect trophy wife. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. Kriss was sweet, although she could be a tad jealous at times. Or at least that's how she was during the Selection. And Maxo- King Maxon. I had to remind myself that I didn't know him personally anymore. Though I desperately wished I did. I was still completely in love with him. There were the nights I dreamed that he chose me and I woke up expecting his arms to be wrapped around me. It seemed that everything reminded me of him. It hurt to walk through the public garden. I couldn't bear to eat a single strawberry tart. And when I heard the words 'My dear', it almost killed me. Sometimes, I thought that he just might miss me too. Like during the royal wedding (which very nearly made me throw up), it seemed like he was extremely hesitant to say 'I do' and kiss Kriss. And they didn't really seem like they had much...chemistry. Even holding hands seemed to be uncomfortable for them. And once, I thought I had saw Maxon tug his ear. I know I had probably just imagined it, but I swear he did, because I reached up and grabbed mine out of habit. I sighed. Thinking about Maxon just made me want to curl up and cry. No, there would be none of that. I stood up tall, squared my shoulders and went to check the mail. There was only one letter. It was a thick, textured material. Expensive paper. I read the handwritten calligraphy in ink. The royal seal was stamped on the bottom. I was selected to tutor Princess Anna and Prince Daniel. The children of Maxon. I stared at it, shocked. I suppose I would have to start packing. I was returning to the palace.

Maxon's POV

Anna and Daniel had wanted to surprise me with the tutor they had picked, and I would meet them tomorrow. I hoped that they had chosen a good teacher. After all, they were the royal heirs of Illèa. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice Kriss until I bumped right into her. "Excuse me, my dear." I said, feeling a pang as I remembered how much America disliked being called that. Always so stubborn... "Oh, well, yes. See you at breakfast." She said hurriedly. "I was just going to say goodnight to the children. Would you like to accompany me?" I asked, offering her my arm. "Go ahead, I'll see them tomorrow." I sighed. She hadn't stopped in to say goodnight for five days in a row. I knocked on Anna's door. "Come in, Daddy!" I chuckled. That sweet little girl never failed to cheer me up. I entered the room and she said "I can't wait for you to meet our teacher! She's really pretty and she likes music!" Sounded like someone I know...or used to know. I talked with her for a while longer, then went to visit her brother. I had no further obligations that night so I went to my bedroom, climbed into bed and fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke up late the next morning, and barely made it downstairs in time for breakfast. It was pretty uneventful but I could tell that my whole family -excepting Kriss, since she was instead meeting with Silvia all afternoon about a new school opening in Hansport- was slightly nervous to meet the new tutor. Hopefully we would make a good impression on her, and she would teach my two children important skills they would need in later life. Worst case scenario, they wouldn't teach them anything, or worse- all lies. I let go of that thought. "Think positively, Maxon!" I muttered to myself grimly. "What was that?" Inquired Kriss, arching an eyebrow. "Nothing." I said, not quite daring to meet her eyes. The Kriss that I had been seeing lately was a polar opposite to the Kriss in the Selection. That Kris's had been reliable and sweet, though a bit naïve. This Kriss, however, was formal and rigid, very strict with the children. Sometimes she reminded me a bit of my father. "Good. The Royal Family cannot appear to be weak." Kriss stated, jerking me back to reality. In that scentence, she had sounded exactly like my father, confirming my previous thought. After finishing breakfast, I ran around outside with the kids until the tutor arrived. A guard (whose name I think is Jamison) came to inform us that the new tutor had arrived. Anna squealed with pleasure and bounded inside. Danny took my hand and we walked inside, trailing after her. We were to meet the woman in the Great room. Lounges had been set up facing each other. I was talking quietly to one of the servants who had set up the refreshment table when I heard a whisper of "It's exactly like I remember." but dismissed it as a figment of my imagination. Anna tugged my arm, saying "You're going to love her!" I looked up, realizing that our guest had arrived. The very first thing I saw was a flash of flaming red hair. Red hair? Really? Anna's already reminded me so much of America. But then again, I had always preferred redheads. The person sank into a curtsy, stumbling a bit on her way up. I smiled. "Your Majesties." A beautiful, smooth voice echoed throughout the Great Room. A voice that felt like a breath of fresh air. A voice that I had heard only in my dreams for seven years. The lady rose, and I found myself looking into the eyes of America Singer.

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