Untitled Part 11

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***I'm baaack! Love you all :) Shout out to Gabbin1234 for giving me sone ideas when I didn't know what to write! And please, please, PLEASE comment what you want to happen next. Be creative!***

America POV

I only scream his name for a minute until Maxon comes hurtling through the doorway. He comes to an abrupt stop. "America? Are you okay? Is Anna?" Maxon pants. "I'm fine, but Anna isn't." I choke out, my vision still slightly blurred from tears. His head whips around to look at his daughter. "What is it?" Anna had sat down with her back facing the wall. "Anna, turn around." I request. She stands up and slowly rotates, her zipper still down. Maxon's eyes grow wide as he sees the long scars displayed on her small back. He shakes his head and rubs his eyes, apparently disbeliving that what he's seeing is reality. Maxon cautiously reopens his eyes. "No." he mumbles. "America, please, tell me it's not real." I glance at him. "Maxon, I..." I trail off. He puts his face in his hands. "Daddy, it's okay." Anna says quietly. "It's not. How could I let you get hurt? I'm supposed to protect you. I'm just as bad as my father." He wiped a tear from his cheek. I place a hand on his arm. "You're not anything like him." I say fiercely. "This isn't your fault." I console him. "Yes, it is. I let it happen. I didn't do anything about it." Anna speaks up. "You didn't even know it was happening, Dad." He runs a hand through his honey colored hair. He has it cut long, just how I like it. Stop it, America. I scold myself. This isn't the time to fantasize about a taken man.  But I've already kissed him, and he doesn't exactly seem to mind. Another part of me protests. I sigh and momentarily abandon the internal struggle. "I should have!" Maxon protests. "Dad, I'm okay, I promise." Anna says quietly. Maxon puts his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking. After a while, he looks up. Tears seem to be in his eyes. "Who? Who was it?" Maxon asks, his voice desperate. "Dad..." Anna looks away. I'm frozen, staring at the exchange. I know it probably isn't my place but at the same time I have to watch them. "Please, Anna. Please?" His voice cracks. "It was Mother." Maxon's eyes flash with anger. "No," he cries. "No." Anna turns to me. "Did I do something wrong?" she wonders. I realize she doesn't know about his scars. Well, duh! If you don't tell your wife about your traumatic past, then why in the world would you tell your six year old daughter? I think, pulling her into my lap. "No, honey, he's just sad to see you get hurt." "Oh." She says, nodding as if it makes complete and total sense. "America?" Maxon's voice asks from the other side of the room. "Yeah?" I answer, still holding Anna. "Could you go get Silvia? I need to talk to her." I nod and leave the room.

Maxon POV

I feel sick. My sweet, innocent daughter has been severely injured by my wife. Her mother. At an even younger age than I had begun to get whipped by my father. I had tried so hard to give her and Daniel a better childhood than I had. Yes, I had everything I could ever need from the materialistic standpoint, but I was deprived of love. My mother was an amazing parent and Queen, but my father was quite another story. And now my children were in the same situation. "Dad?" Anna calls. "Yes?" "I know a secret!" She sings playfully. I smile hesitantly. "Are you gonna tell me?" I sing back. She nods. "You like her, Daddy. Miss America. And she likes you back." Anna grins at me. "Well, yes, of course we like each other. She's a very good teacher." I acknowledged. She giggles. "You're so silly, Daddy. You like like her." I stifle a laugh. "You're very perceptive." She tilts her head to the side. "What does that mean?" "Don't worry about it," I tell her. "Anna, how did you get hurt?" I ask cautiously. "Mother is mad at me, for being a girl." I don't realize I'm clutching my tie until my daughter softly touches my hand. I release it and see that it's slightly crumpled. "Why?" I ask, my tone a little harsh. Anna flinches. "She says she only wanted to go through the... the proshess-" "Process." I correct her. "Right. She said she only wanted to go through that once." She said. That is ridiculous.  She wasn't even the one who gave birth to either child! I think. And it's true. Kriss didn't want to give birth, so a surrogate mother did it instead. She said, "I'm a Queen. Queens don't need to have pain. It simply isn't regal." I those were her exact words. "That is RIDICULOUS!" I yell the last part. "ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! SHE SHOULDNT CARE IF YOURE A BOY OR A GIRL OR AN ALIEN FOR GOODNESS SAKES BECAUSE SHE IS YOUR MOTHER AND SHE SHOULD LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!! I HAVE TRIED SO HARD TO GIVE YOU A BETTER CHILDHOOD THAN MINE BUT IT LOOKS LIKE I FAILED!!!" I stop screaming and sink to me knees. From the corner of my vision I can see America and Silvia looking shocked. I put my head in my hands and let my emotions go for once. I take down my walls and I cry. "I failed," I say, my voice muffled from the tears.

P.S. Hey guys! Sorry there wasn't much Maxerica but I couldn't fit it in :( Tell you what if I can get 20 comments in the first two days after this is posted, I will get rid of Kriss AND give y'all some Maxerica! But if not oh well :'( And this chapter is for my fellow Selection enthusiast! You burned the cookies and there is a TV in my bathroom (that was an inside joke guys) Say hi to Barbara for me!!!

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