25. You were my friend

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Lisa POV

After Jennie left house, I sat down with a huge headache since my mind was full with new information. How come Jennie has freaking powers AND I was the last one to know?

Powers! Ha! I always knew that it was impossible for all humans to be powerless, specially since our planet is such a mystery, but who would've known that one of my best friends has air powers! I bet she can help me with girls.. she can make Woosh boosh caboosh and lift their skirts and then I can be the one to help a damsel in distress..

Suddenly my phone vibrated, interrupting my wild imagination. I grabbed the device and immediately felt my entire body burning with anger:

Miss Korea 😍:
My parents let you sleep here, you can come over


Jisoo.. How could she say those things to Rosé about Jennie?! Instead of supporting her, she was willing to report her, to hand her over to a bunch of nobody's who would make crazy experimente on her just because it would be a huge step for science:

- HOW COULD SHE?!? - I threw my phone to the couch angrily - After all this time we spent together, she was willing to sacrifice our friendship and Jennie and Rosé's relationship because of science?!?! Jisoo's so kind, so intelligent, so.. beautiful.. UGH! How can someone like that even think about betraying us all.. I have to talk to her

3rd person POV

Lisa grabbed her phone, her coat, her house keys and she left her place with no intention to sleep in Jisoo's. She entered her car ("Chong") and drive to her friend's house while her playlist played in the background, somehow giving her strength to the upcoming conflict.

The blonde likes her three friends so much (she also liked Matthew, but the girls had grew a soft spot in her) that she couldn't imagine having a discussion with any of them. Every girl had a different role in her life. Rosé was her best friend and her partner in crime. Jennie was the one who gave her advice and her bi pal and Jisoo was the one she admired, her role model. The black haired woman had so much passion, so much vigor! She managed to be beautiful, intelligent, the daughter of the principal, the socialite and the top student of her class!

Ah.. how to not admite Kim Jisoo

- I just can't believe she said those things.. - she grabbed her wheel with such strength her fingers turned white

But, despite all of this, why did it matter so much? Why did Lisa care about what she said? She could be mad, sure, after all what Jisoo said wasn't nice, but why did she have the need to confront her, even something neither Rosé nor Jennie did? It was like she didn't believe her best friend because Jisoo was too God-like to make such a terrible thing:

- She did apologize thought.. but what does it matter?

The song playing in the car wasn't helping as well. Wrong direction by Hailee Steinfeld, a very depressing song which talked about a toxic relationship where one of the persons loved the other with wrong intentions. In the song that person lived through appearances, but behind the close doors he/she was completely different. As the melody echoed through the car, Lisa wondered if Jisoo never really like them and only use them..

- Stop overthinking..

- Hi Lili - Jisoo opened her arms for her. They were so affectionate with each other that Lisa almost fell in her embrace

Every time they were together, every human being vanished and only them were left. The way they made jokes, the way they held each other, the way Lisa made her laugh and the way Jisoo took care of her was special. It was theirs and no one could deny their incredible friendship:

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