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"You okay?"

"Lmm... Mmshheepp."


"Lmm... Mmshheepp."

"Sheep? Sar, are your hurt? What are you trying to say? Sarah?"


"What happened? Are you okay? Sarah!"


"Sarah, what's wrong?! Are you okay?! What are you saying?! What do you mean by sheep?! "









"...y-you didn't have to do th-at, Jax. The grass... The grass... is soft enough."

"...I couldn't let you sleep like that."

"Won't I... Won't I hurt your shoulder?"

"You're as light as a feather, Sar. You're not hurting me at all."



"Thank you."





"Why are you so sleepy?"

"I... Had a late shift... Last night... Didn't get home... 'Til three..."

"Oh. You should've just stayed home and slept. Why did you come to our runway if you're so tired?"

"I couldn't just... Miss our... Meeting thingy."

"...oh. Take a nap now."

"I... It's, fine... I can talk..."

"You're yawning every other word, just take a power nap. I'll be here when you wake up and then we can talk, okay?"



"You... You?"


"You... promise?"

"...Always, Sar."


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