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These are just some cute little fun facts about... Well, everything!

I hope you guys enjoy ;)


- I wrote most of this book in a couple of days! It was super easy to write, which is why I'm not as proud of it :) I feel like it's just a cop-out of a book, not a true book because it was so easy to write.

- Jaxon and Sarah were supposed to have a whole sun and sky metaphor, with their favorite colors you know? But it never happened XD Everything was already written and I didn't want to change it all. I tried to include it near the end... Don't know how well that turned out :|

- The song lyrics were actually meant to be annoying, LOL, but instead they ended up being meaningful! It was really surprising to see that people actually enjoyed them!

- Sarah has a lot of similarities to me :) I never intended it though... I guess when you write, you put a little piece of yourself into your work.

- I don't know how I came up with Jaxon's name... And I why I called him Jaxon and not Jackson. Blame the Gilmore Girl re-runs I watched while writing ;)

- Sarah's name actually comes from a childhood friend of mine who defended me from bullies. I've lost touch with her, but she was my best friend... My friend and the character don't share any characteristics though :)

- I was actually super nervous about my grammar in the book cause it would be a lot more noticeable! You know, cause of the dialogue and stuff... I still don't know what to capitalize :/

- This story is set in the U.S.

- Jaxon has been sitting on the runway a month before Sarah enters the picture.

- Jaxon's original plan was to run away, run from all of the pressure of the family business. BUT, he knew it was wrong so he spent time watching airplanes to try and feel alive, to escape that black and white Times New Roman font :)

- Sarah has actually been through a lot. She switched from foster home to foster home and finally left the system when she turned eighteen and got a full paid scholarship for college. Yeah, she's super smart :)

- In the last chapter (50) Sarah says she didn't want to live... Yes, she was contemplating suicide, but she would never go through with it. Sarah is a very strong person, she wouldn't ever harm herself.

- Jaxon is around 20/21 and Sarah is around 18/19... This was done for a reason guys. At 21 Jaxon is officially taking over the company. And they both have to be able to drive! Also, I wanted both of them to have a lot of independence.

- Sarah's parents' plane crash destination was also significant. Anyone remember it? It was California. I was actually in a car accident there when I was eleven... Had some pretty bad injuries and some pretty bad memories.

- Sarah can sing, dance, and play the following instruments: guitar, piano, clarinet, drums (only a little) and a harmonica.

- Jaxon has an older sister... And has seen all the Twilight movies ;P (He's Team Edward)

- Sarah is an only child, but she wishes she has an older brother (this was mentioned in the chapter with Michael)

- Oh, speaking of! Michael was NOT an intended character! Neither was the security guard. I just thought it would be cool to see other people interact with #Saxon ;)

- By the way... Saxon is my favorite ship name ;D

- I'm worried I'm putting too many smiley/emoji faces ^.^

- The airplane symbol/emoji! I thought it was perfect and I definitely wanted to use it! I even looked up how it would look on a computer screen because I use the app.

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