Chapter Two: Wild Night

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"He's definitely cheating on you, babe"

Yeosang frowns deeply at the statement his best friend just made. He snaps his head towards his friend's direction.

"What do you mean, Woo? Hyunbin would never cheat on me... You know he loves me... he is just really busy with work at the moment", Yeosang quickly defends his husband before he takes a rather shaky sip from his champagne glass.

Hyunbin would never hurt me.

His friend scoffs at Yeosang's attempt to ward off his assumptions... assumptions that are mostly likely true, seeing that just a month ago, he had spotted Hyunbin being awfully cozy with a mystery man at a private club he visits often. He obviously hasn't told Yeosang about it, for obvious reasons too. He knew Yeosang would go completely insane if Hyunbin ever cheats on him. Especially from how tightly he can see Yeosang clutching his champagne glass right now.

Fearing he might hurt himself, he reaches over and gently removes the glass from his grasp and replaces it with his own hands.

"Hey Sangie, you know I'm your best friend and I'll never lie to you...", he pauses to make sure Yeosang is listening to him. He gets a small, timid nod from him and he takes that as a sign to continue. "But I have to be real with you. Don't you think you glorify Hyunbin a little too much? You make him out to be this perfect husband that cares and loves you very deeply but come on, can't you see? What kind of man leaves his spouse at home for several months, only to come back and stay for just a few days before he takes off again?"

"But Wooyoung you kn-", Yeosang gets cut off. "No Yeosang. Don't come at me with that "hE iS a bUsY mAN" bullshit!" He hates that he has to raise his voice at his best friend but someone needs to talk some sense into this love-sick man and open his eyes.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, Sangie but I have to tell you the truth and the truth is that your husband is definitely hiding something from you"

Yeosang is silent after all Wooyoung had said.

What could Hyunbin be possibly hiding?

Is he really cheating?

Has he been lying to me all this while?

Those business trips...were they all lies?

Come to think of it, Who the fuck was that Lexi that texted him the other day?

Yeosang groans as he sinks into Wooyoung's comfortable sofa. He is currently at Wooyoung's condo.

His friend rubs circles on Yeosang's hand with his thumbs to calm him down. He feels bad for Yeosang. His loveable bestie is feeling down and he-

"I think I need something that's much stronger than champagne, Woo", he chuckles weakly, trying not to cry.

Wooyoung gasps as he just got the best idea his sexy brain could ever think of.

He abruptly gets off the sofa, slightly startling Yeosang.

"Get your fine ass up. We're going out"

Hearing those words, Yeosang sinks further into the sofa, offering words of protest. "No. Nope. Not happening. Never"

Wooyoung rolls his eyes and yanks Yeosang from the comfortable sofa. He practically drags Yeosang to his huge walk-in closet and sets him down on the floor that is covered with a furry rug; it felt really nice to touch and sleep on.

"Noooooo~Wooyoung please don't let me go out. I'm a sad potato~"

"Oh shut up. You need this night out and since I'm your gorgeous bestest-best-bestie..." Yeosang rolls his eyes at him but he just smirks. "I'll help you feel better so get your rat looking ass off my furry floor and let's get you looking hot and slutty"

"Uhm there's no way I'm wearing any of your clothes, Woo", he glares at him from his position on the floor. He can already see him picking out quite revealing and scandalous outfits.

"Oh come on. Since you got married to that dickhead, no offense, you haven't really been having fun or going out in general. All you do is sit at home all day and have your maids-"

"Ah ah ah they aren't maids. They are house staffs and you know I don't really like when people do stuff for me", Yeosang cuts him off, earning yet another eye roll from his friend.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Like I was saying before a couch rat rudely interrupted me... —or you just do rich people shit and attend boring-ass brunches with the pretentious and obnoxious spouses of your equally obnoxious husband's obnoxious friends", he finishes with a mocking, sarcastic smile.

"I think I know why you don't still have a boyfriend, Woo. You run your mouth too much and you don't respec-", before he could get his whole sentence out, Wooyoung just throws some clothes at him to shut him up.

"You better shut up right now", Wooyoung glares at him. Yeosang just laughs, "what? It's true". And this just angers his best friend more so he does what he always does when anyone, especially Yeosang, talks shit, he tackles Yeosang to the floor and chokes him.

"You take that back, Yeosang!". Yeosang doesn't stop laughing even though he's basically being choked to death.

"o-Ok Ok I'm s-sOrRy! you're s-so swe-Eet a-an-nd nIce anD everyoNe l-loves y-yoU", Yeosang says between chokes.

"Good", Wooyoung releases him from his chokehold and gets off him but not before he plants a big fat kiss on his cheek. "Eww that's gay!", Yeosang says as he tries to rub Wooyoung's kiss off his cheek.

"You're married to a man, Yeosang", Wooyoung deadpans. "Oh that's right".

Wooyoung shakes his head at his friend's stupidity. "Now, let's get you ready", he giggles out as he pulls Yeosang up to try on clothes.

"Geez what good is a best friend if they don't try to choke you to death you every now and then", Yeosang mutters out softly as he slightly massages his neck.

Wooyoung scoffs, "Hey! Atleast I'm better than your bRuNCh club members"

Yeosang smiles as he shakes his head. Wooyoung is right, being with him is far more comfortable. He can be himself around Wooyoung and he really appreciates and cherishes his friendship with this sassy yet sweet nut job.

"And don't lie and say you didn't like it", Wooyoung smirks and hands Yeosang a pair of black tight leather trousers, a cropped silk dress shirt and a harness.

Yeosang ignores him and tries to figure out whatever the heck this outfit was.

"You like it when Hyunbin does it though ". His statement leaves Yeosang flustered. He slaps Wooyoung's shoulder to shut him up. Wooyoung only laughs at his friend's red face.

As they get dressed and do their makeup. All Yeosang's worries seem to vanish. At least, for once, he wants to go out and have fun with Wooyoung. He is nervous but he sure can't wait for tonight.

Little did he know that it's going to be a wild, wild night.

I had fun writing this one and I had a good laugh at the interaction between Wooyoung and Yeosang.

please don't forget to vote and comment so I can get feedback.

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