Chapter Seven: Danger

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After blacking out last night, Yeosang wakes up in his bedroom. The sunlight from the window hit his face making him groan and struggle to sit up on the bed.

"Crap! what happened to me?", he rubs his face sleepily. He gasped when he remembered. "Last night! How could I forg- Ow!", he winces at the sharp pain in his head.

A knock on his bedroom door took his attention away from the migraine. "My love...are you awake? Can I come in?". It was Hyunbin's voice. Yeosang slightly panics. "Y-yes I'm a-awake. Come in!"

Hyunbin walks into the room with a tray holding a glass of water and painkillers. He strode towards Yeosang with a smile.

"Good morning, sweetheart"

Hyunbin placed the tray on the bedside cabinet and sat on the bed. Yeosang instantly leans into his touch as he caressed his face. His head was pounding but right now, he doesn't care. Hyunbin is here and that's all he needs.

Yeosang straddles Hyunbin's lap and embraces embraces him tightly. Hyunbin chuckles at Yeosang's sudden actions.

"What is this? I only walked into the room and you're already needy for me?", he raises an eyebrow when Yeosang whimpers pathetically.

He brings his hands to Yeosang's waist and grips it tightly. "I have missed you so much Hyunnie", Yeosang breathily whispers as he tilts his head to kiss his husband.

"If you missed me then why did you do it?"

Yeosang stops midway of kissing him. "What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?"

Hyunbin scoffs, his demeanor changing drastically. He glared down at Yeosang in his lap.

"Why did you cheat Yeosang?"

"I-I...what are you talking about, babe?"

Hyunbin's face darkens more. He grabs Yeosang by the neck tightly.


With the look of terror in his eyes, Yeosang tries to scream but the chokehold Hyunbin had him in prevented any sound from his mouth. He clawed at his husband's hand to loosen the strong grip around his neck but it was no use.

He felt the air getting trapped in his lungs and he knew he was going to die.

Gasping wildly for air, Yeosang wakes up with beads of sweat all over his body and a very bad headache. "It was just a dream...", he whispers out breathlessly but touches his neck to be sure.

Memories from last night flooded his mind. He remembers the club, the drinking, the reporters that mobbed him and Hyunbin rescuing him from them. And all these memories brought an immense fear to him. Fear for his life because Hyunbin was the one that brought him home last night.

His thoughts are cut off when the bedroom door is pushed open. Hyunbin stood by the doorway, holding a tray with a glass of water and a bottle of painkillers.

Just like my dream, Yeosang thought.

He stood there for a moment and stared directly at Yeosang with a face void of any emotion. But alas, his eyes showed so much disappointment and anger that Yeosang felt himself unconsciously shrink into the bed.

Hyunbin's eyes glared all over him. Yeosang looks down at his clothes to realize he was still in last night's attire. The scandalous clothes Wooyoung dressed him in. He brought the duvet up to cover himself.

Hyunbin scoffs at this and walks soundlessly towards Yeosang. Yeosang's heart was beating madly in his chest.

Hyunbin sets the tray on the bedside cabinet and sat on the bed. He doesn't smile or greet him like he did in his dream and this made Yeosang more anxious.

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