It's my first fanfic

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Zhongli was looking for a thief named Childe who he was chasing for a few months now. He has just went to his latest theft which was a diamond in a museum as he heard someone shouting, SCARAMOUCHE WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OF THE GLAZE LILIES?!

"Scaramouche" said that the flowers suddenly disappeared and he absolutely did not give them to the goats.

Zhongli recognized the first voice as Childe, and rushed to where the voices where coming from.

He saw Childe and Scaramouche fighting over a suspicious looking bag. The gem was most likely to be in it. Childe noticed Zhongli was there, glared at his friend and opened the bag to reveal...

Ugh, I'm going to be late! Scaramouche left the museum. Zhongli stopped for a second then began chasing Childe. For some reason there was a slippery puddle right in front of them! Zhongli slipped and ended up on top of Childe. They looked at each other for a second before both of them stood up and ran home.

Xiao was using his phone on the couch while texting his friend Venti when Zhongli appeared looking very red similar to a tomato. What happened to make you look like.. nevermind. Xiao went back to texting while Zhongli went on his bed and slept.

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