What happened with Scaramouche

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A short indigo haired man ran at midnight to steal money from the bank. On a rooftop, a white haired man with a red streak running through his hair was holding a pocket watch as the short man arrived in front of him.

Hmph, you're late by an hour. I didn't expect a thief to be early.

It's not like this is a date, did you think it was?

In your dreams!

Scaramouche disappeared in a puff of smoke. As Kazuha ran to the vault, he found him in the center of the room with others putting the money in their bags. It was too late for him now as purple smoke filled the room, He felt himself getting drowsy. Sweet dreams!

At the nearest 7-Eleven, there was someone stealing a bottle of coke from the store. Kazuha was nearby and apprehended the thief.

He escaped jail and the next time they met, he introduced himself as Scaramouche and he didn't just steal coke, he stole paintings from museums and such.

An indigo figure showed up in front of him before disappearing when he awoke from his hospital bed.

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