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(adj.) mysterious and entrancing; beyond ordinary understanding

"Her? You guys want me to sleep with her?!" I yelled at my friends in disbelief.

"Relax, Ashton. We're not giving you a time limit on this one just because we know what your up against." Luke pat me on the shoulder as if that was going to make this situation any better.

"Fine." I huffed. "You guys owe me big time." The coach blew his whistle, signaling that our water break was over and we had to get back to soccer exercises.

"Pair up!" He ordered in his low voice, which made him sound scary, but the whole team knew it was just so we would do better.

"Ready Ashton?" Luke asked, calling my attention, getting ready to kick the ball as I stood in front of the goal.

"Yup." I spread my arms wide enough to block him from getting a goal. He kicked it, pretty hard too, but I still caught it before it could hit the net.

We did this a few times, alternating positions, when it was my turn to kick again, I saw smoke rising up from behind the bleachers. At first I through the seats were on fire, then I realized someone was smoking and I think I knew who it was. Someway, somehow, I don't know how, but something led me to kick the ball over there, which was totally out of the way of the goal.

"What the-? Ashton?" Luke snapped, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Hmm?" I hummed, returning my attention back to him.

"You missed the goal. For the first time."

"Yeah, sorry. I'll go get it." I shook my head, not realizing what had happened. I jogged towards the bleachers with the smoke and walked around it for the ball.

"Hey." I said, taking the ball in my hands and rocked on my heels a little.

"What do you want?" Jaxx snapped, focusing on her... painting?

"See, that always seems to be your first words to me. You know, I wouldn't mind a 'hey' back every now and then." I teased, but she didn't reply.

"You know, we have an art room." I informed her.


"You should paint in there."

"Do they allow smoke inside the classrooms?"

"Well, no, but,"

"My point exactly." I watched her take a drag from her cigarette and then paint her strokes. I don't know what it was, but it's like I was entranced by the way she moved the brush. She was so graceful and so on point.

"Your friend's looking for you." She said out of the blue.

"What? No, he isn't-"

"Hey, Ash. I thought you were going to get the ball." Luke suddenly popped up out of nowhere. I didn't even see him walk by.

"Yeah. I got it."

"Then let's go. Unless, you want to stay here and smoke a joint. No offense, Jaxx." He sputtered, mumbling at the last part.

"Hemmings." Jaxx hummed in acknowledgement, not really minding that he was making fun of her smoking.

"Give me a minute." I told Luke and he sighed, walking off.

"So, we should really get started on that French thing."

"It's not due until the end of the semester."

"Yeah, but you know, just to get it out of the way." I explained.


"Okay. Um, my house or yours?"


"Cool. I'll, uh, see you tomorrow then."

"Whatever." That's the only time she turned around and I finally got a glimpse of what she was painting. There wasn't really anything there yet, just a few black lines, I couldn't really understand it.

"Okay." I waved and jogged back to Luke, avoiding him when he asked questions.

"Someone's got the hots for the emo chick. She's really hot, by the way, and totally out of your league." He teased, smirking and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Just don't forget about the deal and who it's with." He reminded, getting into position to block the ball again.

"How could I forget?" I murmured, kicking the ball and watching it go into the net.

"Nice." Luke complimented, bending to get the ball.

The coach blew his whistle, which meant practice was over and I ran up to my other friend, Michael, who was talking to coach.

"You gotta fix your blocking okay? Just a little more effort would be great." I heard the coach say to him as he patted Michael on the back and left.

"Oh, hey." He said, turning to me. "What's up?"

"I need your help with something." I told him. I had a well thought out plan in my mind and I just needed some help with the execution.

"Anything." He shrugged and leaned his head closer to mine so I could whisper in his ear.

"You sure that would work?" He asked, sounding hesitant and raised his eyebrows.

"I'm Ashton. Everything works with me."

"Okay. If you say so." He agreed and we walked back to our locker room.

I know what you're thinking "oh wow there's a bet and it's probably about Jaxx great another "After stan" it's not going to be anything like After I swear on my dead body

believe me all your predictions will be proved wrong

next chapter will be interesting I'm so excited

-gabby is happy because last day of school bitchachos

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