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(n.) a pain in the ass, literally

So basically, ashton irwin is like the biggest jerk at school. He's your typical asshole: sleeps around, doesn't do schoolwork, bullies innocent kids and makes fun of just about everyone, including the teachers. Ashton has a way with words. He could get you to do just about anything he wanted. He could make you do his homework, shine his shoes, attend class for him, he could even make you fall in love with him, but of course that took a little more work for him.

It's a brand new school year and I'm just about ready to ditch all my classes. I don't think school is necessary to make it in life. I could just join a band or something and get famous, but my parents disagreed so I'd just have to make the most of it, which meant getting laid as much as possible. It was a new year and that meant new freshman girls, probably virgins, which was a score for me. I'd gone to bed with every girl in my year, the ones before me and even the ones younger than me. Except maybe for Jaxx Springsteen.

She was the most badass rocker chick anyone has ever seen. She never really talked much except to her one friend: Tracy Stevens, who I managed to somehow get drunk enough to get in the sack with me. In short, they both hate my guts (especially Jaxx) for no reason at all. Did I mention she's super hot? Plus, she has this English accent from before she moved to the States sophomore year. Anyway, enough about that.

I made my way down the school halls occasionally winking at girls and fist bumping with some soccer teammates.

"Hey Ash," My friend, Luke, bro-hugged me. "So, listen, the boys and I have placed bets on you this year."

"Any good?" I inquired. Every year, the whole soccer team dares me to get into some girls pants and pays me for it, which is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

"Oh, you bet. You're gonna like this one." He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh yeah? Who is it?" I challenged. It couldn't be that bad.

"You'll see." He just laughed and we continued down the halls when I spotted the one and only Jaxx Springsteen by her locker.

I cleared my throat and approached her. "Hey babe." I slung my arm around her shoulders and gave her ass a smack, just to be a tad more annoying.

"Step away from my locker, Irwin." She spoke without even turning around.

"Ooh, what's the sitch today, baby?" I leaned up against the locker next to hers to get a better view.

"None of your business." She hissed, taking books out from the locker.

"But it's important for me to know what's going on in my girlfriend's life." I joked with a little smirk.

"God, you must have perished over the summer not being a pain in someone's ass." She remarked, slamming her locker shut.

"Believe me, if anything, I wasn't the one who perished when I was being a pain in someone's ass." She rolled her eyes at my dirty comment, of course and walked away. "Catch ya later babe!" I called after her.

The bell rang and I made my way to class. If I'm going to want to get out of this school as soon as possible, I might as well try to learn to pass the time.

was that okay or nah???

ashton's this cocky jerk who just really loves music and deep stuff, but he knows that won't make him popular don't hate him yet

you might think this is pretty cliche but it won't be I promise

-gabby "I tried to study" failed

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