Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in London Dream was live and playing minecraft and was in the Dsmp server for lore...another war accured beacuse C!Dream and C!Techno wanted revenge for C!Quackity putting them in prison for ages....After a few minutes of lore the stream finally ended and Everyone Celebrated...another successful lore stream.

The next Day

Wilbur has started a early stream for the day he streamed Minecraft in the Dsmp "Good Morning Chat!" he said joyfully while Badboyhalo and Dream was in a call

Badboyhalo and Dream was talking about Meeting up soon and vloging it Dream soon got a call from Wilbur asking her to join to join his call "Bad Wilbur's Calling what do i do?!" he said Nervously "Okay put your Mask on and Change to your guy voice" Bad said not knowing how much to help Dream "Okay then i'll be right back then" Dream said still Nervous

"Hi Wil!" Dream said Nervously and a little joyfully
"Dream i heard your in London!, is it  true?! "Wilbur said Shocked and confused "yes its true,i am in London"
Dream said calmly "Do you wanna meet up with us?" Wilbur Asked
"With who technically?" Dream asked very confused "Me, George, Tommy, Tubbo, Jack, And Ranboo" Wilbur Answered "uhm....Sure i guess?" Dream answered "Ok well what time then?" Dream Asked "Does 2:50 sound good to you?" Wilbur answered  "hmmm....Sure sounds good" Dream answered "Okay i'll see you tomorrow  then bye!" Wilbur said both said their goodbye's and left the call

"Bad i'm Back!" Dream said in the call with Bad
"Welcome back Dream so what did you guys talk about?" Bad Asked with a sweet  voice " "He asked me if I was in London I said yes and he asked me if I could meet up with him,George,Tommy,Tubbo, Jack and Ranboo i said yes to it and now were gonna meet up at 2:50 tomorrow" Dream said Answering Bad's Question

"Well what about them seeing you being actually a Girl/Woman"
Bad said very worried for Dream they will know that Dreams not a boy but a girl...."I'll think of something to do about it  later..." Dream said also thinking how she would look like a boy

Dream's POV

"Should i wear my mask and green hoodie and do my guy voice then?.....should i show up as a girl?.....i'll think about it tomorrow i guess......."

No one's POV

It was already 11:59  at night in London and Dream had to say goodbye to bad and turn off the computer and then get ready for bed
It was gonna be a long night for her

She was up all night trying to think of something to do or just confess to them her real gender is a girl nothing else but she also thought of wearing the mask and hoodie to show up it was 1:30 at night and she finally fell asleep

In the morning...

Dream got out of bed right away and started to get ready she had her breakfast brushed her teeth and took a shower and then she went to her computer started it and sat on seat with her uniform on for online classes beacuse of collage this was her almost  3rd year being in collage and this collage is meant for nobility,prince,and princess'es that was never introduced to the public in this collage no one dared to bully anyone....a few hours went by and her classes was done it was 1:30 she remembered she had to meet up with wilbur,george,jack,tommy and ranboo she went to go get changed into her green hoodie the last thing was ro put the mask on she met with them at a park with tree's holding snow on the branches it was never this beautiful this time around she mostly saw these things at night this time around....she saw wilbur her heart was beating fast then wilbur yelled is name loudly as he could to get Dream's attention beacuse he was admiring the tree's a bit much.."Dream!" wilbur shouted loudly as he can "over here!" Tommy yelled....


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