Chapter 4

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Sanna's POV/3rd person POV

As Sanna opened the door she went to the bedroom where she was suppose to stay but remmembered she didn't bring clothes  she went to Dream's room borrow some but heard something in the bathroom she was qurios she wanted to know who was in there as she opened the door slowely she saw the most disturbing thing she seened for all her life she saw Dream laying on the floor with cuts on her wrists her shoulders with the knife in the sink the soap filled with blood with roses beside Dream and a pool a blood also Sanna opened the door more wider and checked Dream's pulse she was still alive she called the ambulance right after and cleaned her bathroom she didn't care anymore she mostly cared abt her friend....

Dream's POV

Dream was in her room she wished she could vent to someone but she didn't wanna bother anyone by telling them her problems right now she didn't know what to do Tommy got into a car accident,Sanna broke up with Jelly and is now staying with her to comfort her and help her,and she discovered she had hanahaki disease,
One of her dogs is in the vet and has 4 disease's,she had no idea what to do tears formed in the corner of her eyes she couldn't hold them back she mostly all she had in mind by now is to cut herself it was mostly night by now she didn't know what to do she went to the kitched and grabed a knife she and went back upstairs and went to her bathroom all the stress that's when she cutted herself after she cutted herself she coughed and coughed she barely could breath then she coughed out roses and blood she wished she was an anti romantic now beacuse if she was an anti romantic she mostly won't fall head over heals for someone she waited for Sanna to arive but before she got out of the bathroom and wash the knife her sight became blurry and she felt light headed and she slipped she coughed and coughed out more roses and a pool of blood she soon fainted

3rd person POV

Drean was rushed to the hostpital after that she woke up after 2 hours she saw Sanna was sitting beside her so was Wilbur,Ranboo then was just standing by the wall worried for his friend they all were so happy to see Drean wake up Niki was there aswell and Jack,Jack went to get a nurse they were happy to see Dream wake up beacuse the doctor said it can lead into coma if she didn't wanke up in abt 3 hours ahen she woke up she also saw tommy beside the bed happy she was happy to see him healthy again when the nurse came in she said Dream needed to relax and stay here for the night
She was confused she was wearing her mask and she had a haircut as a boy nobody supected she was a girl someone stayed with her for the night it was Niki,As soon as it hitted 12:36 all visitors that wanted to visit someone or one of their loved one's would need to go home but one will need to stay to look after or wants to stay with their friend or loved one Niki was one of those people Niki and Dream shortly went to bed Dream took off her mask,Niki asked if Dream needed anything else before they sleep "Do you need anything before we head to bed Dream?"Dream said no "No i do not.."and but then asked if Niki can turn off the lights "Can you turn off the lights tho Niki?"She asked Niki that beacuse she couldn't sleep well with the lights not being off she will mostly have nightmares but Niki wanted Dream to feel safe and won't have nightmares at all "Ye sure is that all you need me to do?" Niki asked to make sure that was it,Dream replied "yeah that's all i need you to do nothing else..." They both went to bed after...

2:27am in the morning....

Dream woke up not being able to breath as much she opened the lights and went to the bathroom she forgot to close the door...she was coughing up roses again this time she coughed it up at the sinked it was mixed with blood and came out with daisy's she felt relieved after trying to get air for more than 2 minutes a she coughed out many daisy's and roses with a pool of blood she quickly hid the evidence of her coughing up.more blood and flowers,people will know she is not fine...


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