Never again. Levi x reader Chapter 16

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You sat in the mess hall unwillingly eating a bowl of oatmeal, if you could even call it that. The lumpy brown mush sat untouched, growing cold in the small wooden bowl. You were going to skip out on breakfast, the bundles of nerves in your stomach clenched tightly wanting anything but food, when Hanji caught you and nearly dragged you to the mess hall going on about how you would need your energy for the day ahead. An abnormal and thick silence filled the mess hall, rather than the usual noises and chatter. You found it amazing how this tense silence could be the loudest thing of all. Not being able to stand it anymore, you quietly dismissed yourself and slipped into the hallway unnoticed. Your steps were slow and soft, yet they echoed through the hall as loudly as ever. Though you had been on many expeditions before this one was different, very different. This time you had to worry about a little someone who wasn't even in this world yet because your subordinates couldn't keep it in their pants.

The aggravation this whole ordeal gave you was unbearable and you struggled to keep it together, but the more you thought about it the more pissed you became. In an attempt to calm your growing annoyance, you decided to go check on your horse and prep her before it was time to head out. When you got to the stables, you noticed Levi was there as well, tending to his own horse. You slowed to a stop and quietly watched him gently caress the nose of the massive creature which seemed content with Levi's actions. You found yourself watching in awe, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene before you. When the large horse playfully nipped at Levi's fingers, you could help but let out a small laugh. Hearing your laugh, Levi whipped his head around and looked at you with a slight glare in his steel eyes.

He must have mistaken you for a cadet because when he realized it was you, his glaring eyes softend to his usual stoic expression. "Shouldn't you be in the mess hall getting something to eat?" He questioned. You raised your eyebrows at his accusatory statement. "I could say the same for you, mister." Levi let out a small 'Tch' and turned back to his horse. You gave a small smirk and went to fetch your own horse. She stood waiting at the gate for your arrival, letting out a short puff of air when she saw you coming.

"Hey there darling." You cooed softly. You stroked her large snout, softly tracing your finger down the small diamond at the top. You stopped stroking her and went digging around in your saddle bag. After a moment, you found the large wirery brush and went back. Darlings mane was thick and slightly matted, you hadn't had the time to come and brush it as you normally do, so it took a few times for the brush to go through smoothly. After you were satisfied with your work, you put the brush back and grabbed a bucket of oats. Darling happily ate her food while you stood there patiently, waiting for her to finish.

What you didn't notice with your back turned, was Levi watching you care for your horse intently. He hasn't ever seen you be so gentle with anything before, and Levi found himself staring shamelessly. When darling finished, you turned to put the empty bucket back, but stopped when you came eye to eye with Levi. You took a step back, not expecting him to be right in front of you. "Oh, sorry." You said, trying to keep your cool. "No, that was my bad." He replied nonchalantly. With that he took the bucket from your hands, placed it back on the shelf, and left. You stood here for a moment, unsure of what just happened. You shook your head, not bothering to think of it further. 'This should be should be one interesting expidetion.' You thought, before exiting yourself.

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