Chapter 12

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Arriving at your room, you unlocked the door as quickly as you could and slammed it shut behind you. You stood there for a moment, with your back pressed against the rough wood when your knees started to feel weak and you slowly slid down inch by inch until your butt hit the cold floor. You pulled your knees into your chest and lowered your head. "God, what the hell was that?" You mumbled. You closed your eyes for a second and instantly images from last night came flooding back. His warm embrace, the sweet kisses, and those three simple words. Your eyes shot open and you bolted up. You could feel your cheeks growing hot again and your heart start thumping harder than ever. 'Shower, a nice long shower will help me clear my mind.' You thought. Grabbing a towel, you headed for the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, you started the shower. While unbuttoning your blouse, you noticed small bruises scattered across your body, so you went over to the mirror to get a better look. You were, to say the least, startled at your appearance. Your hair was a ratty mess, eyes slightly bloodshot from lack of sleep, and bruises trailing along your neck and chest. 'Wait a minute, these aren't bruises. God dammit Levi.' You thought. How were you supposed to hide such obvious hickeys from your squad. You stood there thinking of ways you could cover them up when steam forming on the mirror told you the shower was hot. As you stepped in, you let out a small yelp as the scalding water hit your skin, but you quickly adjusted to the heat.

You had just started to wash your body when you heard footsteps coming from your room. Quickly rinsing off the remaining suds, you turned off the shower and stepped out. Grabbing your towel and wrapping it around yourself, you walked over to the door and pushed it open. Automatically assuming it was a pervert, you grabbed the person by their collar and hauled them to the ground. You placed a knee on their chest, rendering them immobile and raised a fist, ready to strike.

When you looked to see who the intruder was, you were relived to find that is was only Hanji. "Heh, hi." She laughed nervously. You let your body relax and stood to help Hanji off the floor. "Hanji, what the hell are you doing in here?" You questioned. You were clearly agitated with her, which made her even more nervous. She rubbed the back of her neck an looked to the floor. "Uh, well I had something to ask you and the door was unlocked so I just came in hoping to find you in here." You let out a frustrated sigh and crossed your arms. "Well, what did you need to ask?" She raised her head and smiled nervously. "Ah yes, well, I wanted to know if you and Levi are 'together'." The way she said 'together' made the blood rush to your cheeks. "Wh-what?! No no, what we have is casual. Completely casual." You sputtered out.

Hanjis eyes widened at your explination. "Wait, so you mean to tell me that you guys are just fucking?" Oddly enough, she sounded more disappointed than shocked. "No, well, er, yes." You could see hanjis face fall and heard her mutter 'damn it' to herself. "Is there anything wrong with that, Hanji?" You questioned, growing very suspicious of her behaviour. "Well no, but I may have assumed you guys were together and I may have gone and talked to Erwin and we may have decided to place your squads near eachother, you know, just in case. Heh." You blinked a few times while her words set in. "What do you mean 'just in case'?" You said. Just the thought of spending hours riding next to Levi made your stomach flutter. "Well you know, a lover is fatally injured, spends their final moments in the others arms exchanging words of love, caressing their cheek before their hand falls to their chest and closes their eyes for good."

You stared at Hanji while you tried to form a response. "The fact that you put thought into that is actually pretty morbid, Hanji." Hanji just shrugged her shoulders and continued. "Oh well, what's done is done, can't change plans now." You sighed in defeat because even if Hanji didn't tell you, the plans would stay the same. "Anyways, I better go now! Still have lots to do! Bye bye!" With that, she rushed out the door, slamming it behind her. You walked over to your desk and plopped yourself into a seat. Letting out a long sigh, you placed your head in your hands to try and suppress the oncoming headache you felt. You leaned back in the chair and looked at the ceiling. "Wonderful." You said to yourself. "Just wonderful."

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