Chapter 8

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Everything was dark, and all you could feel was a faint throbbing at the back of your head. You tried to open your eyes, but they refused to part. As your senses slowly returned, you heard voices. They sounded distant, but you could make out some of the things they were saying.

"When will she-"

"I'm not sure, bu-"

"She was out of li-"

The voices would come, but then fade away before they could finish a sentence. It was driving you insane. Mustering up all your strength, you forced your eyes open. Bright light flooded your vision, burning your eyes. Tears formed at the corners, but you blinked them away. After a few moments of blinking and squinting, your eyes adjusted to the light. You turned your head to the side to take in your surroundings. The walls were washed white and multiple beds were lined up around the room. You were in the infirmary. 'What the hell?' You thought slowly sitting up. You were about to get out of bed when Hanji burst through the door which a tray in her hands. When she saw you were awake she immediately perked up. "Ah, (f/n)! Good, you're finally awake!" She said, much too cheery for your liking. "Jesus Hanji, can you quiet down." Your head was pounding, but you didn't know why. "Ah yes, your head must still hurt a bit. Good thing I brought you some medicine." She held out the tray she was carrying. A glass of water and a small white pill were placed beside eachother. You were unsure if you should take it. The last time Hanji gave you medicine, she accidentally grabbed the wrong pill and you ended up puking the rest of that day. You shuddered at the memory, it was not something you wanted to re-live. Hanji seemed to notice your worry and smiled warmly. "Don't worry, the nurse grabbed the medicine. I just brought the tray." Deciding it was safe, you took the pill, washing it down with the water.

You laid back and closed your eyes, waiting for the pill to take effect. Hanji cleared her throat, signalling to you that she had something to say. You looked at her, urging her to continue. She stood straight and looked you dead on the eyes. Her cheery expression was nowhere to be found. "(F/n), you remember what happened, right?" She spoke cautiously, as if she was speaking to a child. Something must have happened, you were in the infirmary after all. Your brows drew together as you tried to remember. You were about to give up and tell Hanji that you didn't know when it all came flooding back to you. The expedition change, Levi hitting you, and Alice dropping the pregnant bomb. You were hit by a storm of emotions. Anger, disappointment, hatred. But there was one that stood out from the rest. Fear. You, the unbreakable, emotionless leader, was scared. Not only for yourself, but for the cadets, Alice, everyone. You couldn't remember the last time you felt fear. The feeling made you grit you teeth and grip the sheets around you. "I remember." You spoke harshly through your teeth. Hanji let out a nervous chuckle. "So I take it you don't want to see either of them right now." You thought for a moment. You really didn't wan to face Levi or Alice, but you knew avoiding them would get you nowhere. You let out a sharp breath. "No, I should see them." Hanji grinned. "Good, because they've been standing outside the door for 20 minutes now." Your face paled. Maybe this was a little too soon, but before you could interject Hanji had let them in. Alice entered first, Levi not far behind. You only looked at him for a second before turning your focus on Alice. She walked over to your bedside with her head hung low.

For awhile, no one said anything. Growing uncomfortable in the suffocating silence, you spoke up. "So, is it really true?" Your voice was barley above a whisper. "Alice didn't look up, her eyes remained glued to the floor. After a few seconds she slowly nodded her head. "Who." Your voice was shaking with anger. Alice finally looked up at you, her eyes were red and swollen. "What?" Her voice came out chocked and hoarse. "Who is it? Who's the fucking father, Alice." Your voice was much louder now. The words came out so harsh, Alice flinched at its abruptness. "B-Bruce." She chocked on her words as fresh tears flowed freely. Your were so blinded by white hot rage that, without thinking, you grabbed the glass of water on the nightstand and flung it arose the room. It hit the wall and smashed into a million little pieces. 'Idiots! How could they be so fucking stupid! I thought they knew better!' You thought. "Leave." You couldn't deal with her right now, your mind was too clouded with anger. "Bu-" She tried to cut in. "GET OUT!" You had snapped. If she stayed you might just hit her for her stupidity. Alice quickly turned and ran out of the room. You hated yelling at her. So much was going wrong, it just wasn't fair. Not that your life had even been fair. You weren't really mad, you were just overwhelmed by all these sudden emotions.

Everything was silent for a few minutes and all you wanted to do was get the hell out of there. You turned to get out of bed, your patience finally running out. You were about to put your boots on when Hanji stopped you. "(F/n), where do you think you're going?" You rolled your eyes. "Where does it look like I'm going? I'm leaving Hanji, I have lots to prepare for." She didn't say anything as you slipped on your boots and stood. "Are you sure your okay?" You could tell she was genuinely worried for you, but you didn't have the time to sit around. "I'm fine, now if you'll excuse me, I have some important matters to deal with." Your voice was cold, bearing no emotion. Hanji did nothing to stop you as you brushed past her, but when you walked past Levi, he grabbed your arm.
You both looked at each other, not being able it tell what the other was thinking. You yanked your arm out of his grip and quickly left, leaving behind a confused Hanji and a very frustrated corporal.

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