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Rob cocked a brow as much as the brunette sitting next to him in their studio as they worked on mixing the song they'd been working on for months. Both of them cocked a brow at each other, and they knew the other was thinking the same thing–what the hell were the girls doing back home so early? It'd been only about an hour since they'd left to head to their bridal shop for the Day, yet the gate buzzer'd just gone off from somebody opening it.

        Knowing they weren't gonna get answers any other way, they both decided to abandon their project for the moment so they could go investigate. Once Richie was on the floor, he made sure the bassist could get down without hurting himself before they both headed outta the studio and into the dining room so they could get the answers they sought.

        Stepping out onto the front lanai, though, both their eyes widened as they saw Kailani flipping her seat up to let someone outta the back of her Mustang. But it wasn't that person whose presence surprised them–it was that of who climbed outta her passenger's seat with a half-terrified, half-Awed look on his face. None of them'd heard from Rikki or Bret in months, mostly 'cuz they hadn't given out their new phone number after their abrupt move to the Big Island. How on Earth he'd even found out where they'd gone, let alone gotten in touch with the older of the sisters was beyond them. In fact, they'd say that answer was somewhere in the deep Void of Outer Space, which made them even more curious.

        However, the second he clapped eyes on them, the drummer's expression shifted to a mixture of nervous and downright terrified. That was when Rob realized that it wasn't him who'd put that expression there–it was the younger brunette standing next to him, who now wore a scowl. But much like his wife'd done to her sister–unbeknownst to them, of course–he balanced on one hand and gently elbowed him to get his attention. With a stern look, he told him that he'd the feeling that Rikki'd shown up here for a damn good reason, and that they needed to hear him out instead of fighting.

        "I swear, ya musta married your feminine twin or something, man," he chuckled, keeping his distance once he got to the edge of the lanai.

        "What makes ya say that, Rik?" the bassist chuckled.

        "'Cuz she said damn near the same thing to Leilani," Blues answered.

        "So, ya already met my sister-in-law, huh?" he laughed. "I'm sure the reception was chilly, at best–at least, toward Rikki."

        "More like Fiery," the drummer dead-panned. "Not that I blame her, but unless Volcanoes suddenly started spewing Ice and Glaciers were made of Lava..."

        "Then let's cut the shit," Richie said. "What the fuck're ya doing here?"

        "I say we take this inside, boys," Kailani spoke up. "This mama needsta piss, andja know I don't get along with heat as well when I'm pregnant."

        Not even he could help a laugh at her take-charge attitude, but he didn't necessarily disagree with her assessment, either. The Hilo area generally hovered between seventy-nine and eighty-four degrees during the Day Year-round, the lows only dropping to between sixty-four and seventy at Night. He'd found that out practically as soon as they'd arrived back in December, just like he'd found out that his Future sister-in-law didn't really agree with the heat she loved while pregnant with Zeph.

        In the house, the younger brunette led Blues–whom he'd never met till now–over to the living room while the young woman headed to the nearest bathroom. Rob and the drummer headed over to the kitchen, no doubt so they could pour drinks for everyone before they got settled. Granted, it'd be up to the young woman to help pass them out, but they knew she wouldn't mind doing such a thing.

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