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When Kailani and Leilani arrived home from their bridal shop later that Eve, they were both surprised to find the front door cordoned off with fake crime scene tape. Even the garage door'd been cordoned off, a giant X of that fake crime scene tape strung across both of them. They turned confused looks on each other before spotting a cardboard arrow pointing around the side of the house, toward the gate near the living room windows.

        Both women were confused and more than a bit suspicious as they decided to follow the arrow, but they both knew one thing for sure. There wasn't any doubt in their minds that Rikki and Blues'd been enlisted by at least one of their men to hang that crime scene tape. Neither of the handicapped musicians woulda been able to reach that high, even if they'd used a step stool to give themselves a boost.

        Entering the lil private Space that housed one of their outdoor showers, they found another arrow pointing toward the next gate. This one led to the back yard, so the only conclusion they could come to was that the guys wanted them to go there–just not by going through the house. Both agreed that that was more than a lil strange as the younger of the sisters unlatched that second gate, then stepped through. She made sure that said gate was latched again, her brow furrowing as she turned to make sure her sister'd good footing since there weren't any stepping Stones on this side of the house.

        Leilani's eyes widened as she looked down at their feet and saw a trail of pink and red Rose petals scattered across the grass. But in addition to those, there were Lehua scattered across the ground to sorta fill in the gaps between the Rose petals. It was a touching symbol, 'cuz clearly, whoever'd planned whatever they were about to walk into was Intent on including even their customs. Naturally, that made them curious as they started to round the bedroom that'd once given Rob his first breath-taking view of their back yard and the Ocean beyond it. However, they weren't expecting what they found when they finally rounded the corner of said bedroom, which made their jaws drop as they stopped dead in their tracks next to each other.

        Their hammock'd been taken down to free up the Space between the Palm Trees it normally hung between. In its place at the End of the trail made by all the Flower petals was a small table that'd been set for four, rather than two. A bed of Roses and Lehua sat in the Center of the table, forming a ring around the pair of jarred Candles that'd been put there and lit so they'd have a lil bit of Light.

        Even more of a surprise was when Rob and Richie popped up from the other side of the lil retaining wall behind the table. Both of them carried a red Rose by its de-thorned stem in their teeth, and it wasn't entirely 'cuz they were trying to be cheesy. No, they were clearly trying to be more Romantic than they normally were, but lacking legs limited their options as to how they could approach without completely crushing those beautiful Flowers. At least both their women realized that, the younger of them kneeling down to take both Roses so her sister wouldn't have to since getting back up could be problematic for her when she was so heavily pregnant.

        "All right–what on Earth're the two of ya being so ridiculously Romantic for?" she chuckled, rising with her boyfriend settled on her hip like a toddler.

        "That's as much a surprise as the dinner, itself," Richie answered, unable to help a chuckle of his own. "Which you're not gonna find out till after we eat."

        "Oh, really?" Even Kailani was curious as her husband started over toward the table that'd been set up, pausing long enough to gesture to her. "Course, it begsta question why it's set up as a double date, if it's supposed to be special."

        "I'd be a fool to exclude the crack-pot that helped me with all this," he laughed, shooting her a wink when his girlfriend couldn't see.

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