Advice in the wintry breeze

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Oh what luck
For me to see
How I will die eventually

By nature's design
Having lost hope
At the end of the journey
Leaving everything behind
Without a single care

The darkness that I fear before
Become my own reality
That began from a promise
In which I can never escaped from

Nobody will care
For I could not care more
Nobody will remember
For I must forget all
No memories to bind
Either joy nor madness

For the wretched path
Is the only path
I was able to see
From the beginning
With the end that hides
Behind me

In the dense forest
I will travel
On the murk moss
I slowly tread the path
To the ravine between two mountain
I began the torture that
Beckons me
Lull the madness at bay
Till the day of judgment
Together with the damned
Punished eternally
To the place I may truly belong

With the repeated death
In suffocation
In fear
In pain
In any misgiving
For a human to endure
And beyond

For I cannot ask for forgiveness
For I cannot seek for redemption
For I cannot be me anymore

In the shallow well
Would be made
Stood alone
By the earthen wall
Toward drowning in starvation
For days to come
In years will passed
Till the rotten flesh
Falls apart from the bone
Still alive well
Although already died

Will I shall punish myself
Eventhough god may not
And I will continue so
Even I fear everything for all my life.


A fragment of time taken from a soul
A testament of a promised made
A reward for those blessed

A fragment of time returned to the soul
A testament of delivered oath
A punishment for those damned

Which side of a coin did one had seen
To see at a single plane
In view of larger eye
For both had limits unknown to the other

In suffering, a sense of purpose exist
In happiness, blinding to all senses
Stopping time will not change due past
Nor regressing could steer the future
Remembrance that lead to wisdom
Are the greatest knowledge man can keep for all eternity

So, do not ever forget
Nor forgotten due negligence
Lessons learned from all senses
Are keys to wisdom
Hidden  from view
By the one with empty words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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