Falling leaf

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Hey there, thank you for reading a short essay of mine. It is not much but sometimes when you got nothing to lose, why not just do it.


It is a tiring day. Seeing the faraway star in a cold night sky brings a light peace in my heart. As if all the burden and troubles were sucked out even  if temporarily.

The cold wind caress my skin and gently warped my body in its embrace. A reminder that I am not alone, even I felt isolated. Listening in the lonely serenade, I closed my eyes.

The bitter freezing sensation was shocking at first but my body slowly adapts. My body floats to the surface before descend to the ground. I was afraid to open my eyes, to see my fear coming to life. So, I kept them closed forever.

As my chest tightens for air, my thoughts run faster, to the earliest memory. The first of everything. I had forgotten these feeling but my body still remembers. But everything were not a mistake but a choice taken. Even if I wonder back to the past, to preserve the future I know well, I know definitely, the choice will be the same.

Upon the last breath, I put courage to myself. Facing the fears that dwell in the shadows. How much of a fool I had become. A coward like me, proves no significant to want a future. Was it a primal instinct that kept me alive or a mutual desire. I would never know. But, the things I knew, that every departure comes at a great price. To leave behind to those that stayed. Until time corrodes into rust, unrecognizable.

I am not sorry to choose this way to say goodbye, but I am sorry if you want me to stay. I am sorry for everything and thank you for being a part of my life. That is all I can say among many others that I wished I could say.

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