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Not a sage wisdom but it helps to see the silver lining in the darkest hour.


Another day ends in an endless cycle. A repetition of yesterdays into a routine. Some say it took discipline to have a schedule while some would say life is too valuable to waste.

Achieving happiness is a subjective goal. Even a reciprocating smile can make a day brighter or a warm hello can put a smile on your face. But for me, to have a routine is a blessing and a way to escape a darker thought.

Yet, slowly but surely, running away won't put much of a distance and effort seems futile at best. What else can be done to have a greener grass like everyone else. To feel deserve as a whole person.

Forever and ever, the hole stayed. Endlessly and bottomless, out of reach. Frozen in time like an abandoned game, myself viewing the finish line. Was I afraid to have the end or was I ashamed to see what I have become.

Ideals and aspirations bring a setted destinaton, like a beacon in a heavy sea storm. A guide, a compass, a mark. However, you will never know where you'll land, to have a place called home. A place you truly felt belonged. Living is that kind of journey.

So, there is no wrong in what you do even if it is a bad thing or a wrong way of doing things. As long as you're not killing your conscience to prove that you're right. A mistake is acknowledged when a lesson learned while stupidity is labelled when the mistake done repeatedly.

These repetition will soon change again as the old became obsolete. Many mistakes will be made as life journey forward. A small step to fill the hole and hopefully, by the end, I can proudly say who I am without holding back. Even if it is unimpressive or lack thereof, only I, myself can take the path where others would not even dare to have the same. I am a survivor of my own life.

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