Moving day

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    My name is Flaky Flakes, my story is not much and pretty boring for now heh- my parents Amanda and David wanted to move somewhere peaceful. I'm here to tell you all about my life and what wonders I'm missing from it. And all the ups and downs this all led me to.

"Flakyyy sweetie!" Said Amanda. "Yes mother?" I looked at her in the eyes when I knew this wouldn't be so good. "Well dear we are moving!" I gave her an exhausted sigh "again?.. hm I'll start packing" "aww that's my girl!" She looked at me smiling and I went into my room and packed all my belongings up. "Well I'll miss this place I- I never really had any friends here maybe it's better we are moving? At least I hope so." I packed all my things up carrying the boxes in the car where my mother has everything there and ready. I looked at my father and he said to me "don't you worry kiddo things will be alright I'll try to convince your mother to not move anymore this will be the last time" I smiled at him and nodded "thank you father just one more moving day and that's it" we all got into the car and drove off into another place. I looked out the window not expecting to see such a huge beautiful city, I said to myself "maybe this won't be so bad it's worth a try heh-"

"Flaky sweetie wake up we're hereee!" I opened my eyes slowly looking at our brand new house. "H- huh? Wow it's pretty.." I didn't know what else to say I was so tired at that moment. I got up out of the car grabbed the boxes and started unpacking. "Uhhh.. f- finally done!-" I collapsed on my bed feeling so so tired from unpacking all of my belongings. I was too comfortable I ended up falling asleep in my bed.

The next morning I woke up early got in the shower did my hair, brushed my teeth, and got dress walking out of the house for a walk around the city. "It's so beautiful when the sun is barely coming up" I looked around every corner not seeing a single person or car on the road. I closed my eyes still walking until I bump into someone and I was thinking to myself "oh no.." "Errrr... watch where you're going." I looked up in a bit of fear seeing a glare and blood on his face to his hands. "I- I'm s- sorry I was just trying to walk and-" "Hm well someone like you shouldn't be out here alone go run back to your home you don't belong here" I looked at him very frustrated "excuse me I- I don't fear anything and it's certainly not you now if you excuse me I'm still going on my walk" I pushed him out of the way thinking it was a smart idea until I felt my arm get pulled back. "Errrrrr...." I felt his warm angrily breath on my wrist where I stood still. "I said leave little girl." I couldn't move I was frozen and my heart was pounding.

"If I'm a little girl aren't you a pedophile for touching me?" I got him this time which led him silent. "S- speechless as I thought" at least I thought I got him until I heard a crackling evil laugh down my neck now. "You have jokes huh who would've known?" I just stood still looking into his glowing eyes "C- could I go now please" he pulled my head up I closed my eyes and at the moment when I opened them he was gone. "Huh?- I must've been hallucinating it was such a long night from unpacking" as the sun rose up I started walking back home before my mother and father woke up resting back down again.

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