His bloody wounded hands

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     Since we moved I've started to get used to this city I'm still lonely but I feel at peace here. I just got into college and now I have to do things on my own, I now live in my college dorm studying constantly since my professors assign so much work and notes. This morning I decided to get up in the middle of the night and have a walk around. "If c- college doesn't kill me what will?" I grabbed my jacket and snuck out of the building walking on the wet sidewalk. I kept walking till I heard a loud thud I ran as fast as I can to the sound finding the same guy I haven't seen in a while badly injured.

"O- oh my gosh can you hear me hello!" I panicked not knowing what to do I just looked at his hands covered in blood feeling more anxious. I quickly took my phone out and called 911 for help keeping my hands on his wounds stoping the blood gushing out. After a couple minutes the ambulance finally came to get him and I decided to come along to keep him company. When we finally got to the hospital I sat next to him watching over him for the night thinking to myself. "What am I doing here I- I don't know him why am I still here?"

I tried closing my eyes but I kept worrying for his health, I scooted my chair closer and lay my head on his arm gently closing my eyes if I were safe just from feeling his warmth. "Mm- I hope you make it out alive" I kept my head down on his arm feeling a hand touch my hair having a soft grip. "Errrr.. hey what are you doing here?" I looked up at him "I just wanted to know if you were alright-" he looked at me and laughed "oh really? Hehehe.. how sweet of you to come to a strangers aid" "I just wanted to be nice enough to see you get better I should be going no-" he pulled me down as I tried getting up looking into my eyes. "Just.. heh- stay with me I don't want to feel lonely" I looked at his desperate eyes nodding "f- fine I'll stay with you just this one time" he smirked at me saying "it's at least more than enough."

The next morning I find myself asleep having his arm wrapped around me staring at me while I sleep. "Mmm.. Z- zzzz.." I slightly open my eyes to see him watching me, "ahhh!! O- oh my gosh you-" I was cut off by him. "Scared ya huh? Didn't mean to startle you" I yawned lifting my head up "ahh- well good morning heh-" he smiled at me and patted my head "good morning to you too redhead" "redhead? Hey-" he looked at me still smirking "hmm?" "Actually n- never mind" I got up just to stretch catching him staring at my revealing stomach showing. "Do you mind?" "Nope I'm feeling better already" he crackled laughing at me making me feel embarrassed "p- pervert!"

"Ahh it's fun to tease ya" he stops in silence admiring my body then looking up at me "what's your name?" I replied "Flaky flakes I'm flaky" "Flippy flips soldier of the army" I walked over to him being very conscious "I go to the near by college down the street from here speaking of I must be going now I'll try to stop by" he just took my hand and kissed it "hasta la próxima bonita.. hehehe.." (Until next time pretty) I pulled my hand away and walked out of the hospital back to my college dorm getting ready for my classes.

After class I decided to walk around again but I didn't go back to the hospital I went through an alleyway instead. "I should've brought my flashlight with me it's pretty dark in her-" I dropped to the floor after feeling a bang to my head knocking me off my feet. "Hehehe.. got her boss" "good bring her in let's see what we can get out of her.." the last words I heard before knocking out cold.

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