His Warm Protective Whispers In My Ear

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I soon open my eyes being stared at by two guys grinning at me. "Huh?.. w- where am I" one of them shushes me pulling my hair back. "Aghhh!-" "now get to talking" I looked at him being confused and in pain "w- what do you want." "Do you know this guy" He took out a picture of flippy but I denied trying to get away. "I've never seen that man ever in my life" I tried kicking at the other guy but he grabbed my leg and licked it my face could tell it all of how disgusted I was. "Tell us we know you're lying about everything you say" the other guy gripped my hair tighter "aghhh!- I don't know what you're talking about."

"Not talking huh give it to her" I couldn't understand what they said all I saw was a black shadow appear in the corner that's when I had a smart idea. "Wait!!" I grabbed one of them pulling them close to me trying to distract him from the shadow being near by. "I just realized how handsome you are I kind of want your touch.." "ohhh?? You know I love beggars beg for it" "aww but I hate begging but I'll do it for you" just as I pulled him into a "kiss" a nice loud slit and gush of blood splattered all over the place knocking him down to the ground. "I should've known that you would've left me" I looked up at him rolling my eyes "hm If that's how you want to be I'll just leave you here" "wait wait! Please untie me-" I gave him a desperate looks and he cut the ropes off of my body setting me free.

"T- thank you but how did you-" he shushed me and grabbed my wrist twirling me around. "Did anyone ever tell you that you talk too damn much?" His crackling laugh runs up and down my neck feeling his warm breath again "Did anyone ever tell you that y- you just suck at being a soldier" I crossed my arms turning around picking my things up. "Oh no no" he grabs me and whispers deeply in my ear giving me butterflies "I only came because I can smell your blood from a mile away..."

"M- mm right" I loosen out of his grip walking out of the room. "You know you don't always have to be such a bitch to me you're a bitch to Flippy and now you are to me as well" "huh? I thought you are Flippy" "pfffft! Haha! Such a dumb bitch I'm not Flippy I'm Fliqpy two differences get it right next time." I just gave him a death stare and kept walking away back to my college dorm leaving him out in the windy cold silent night.

The next day I was finally free from college and sat on a bench listening to my music blasting it up a bit feeling lonely. "Hm I should've asked him if he wanted to hang out some time" I looked at the ground kicking rocks in the streets. "It's too late now" I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked but it was just the wind messing with me. "Hm- Y- you could come out now?" I waited for him to come out to me but he was no where in sight. Later on when I graduated college he never came around and I got my masters degree leaving to start my new life being an adult now.

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