■ Chap. 1 / Playing Frisbee ■

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"Are you coming Chase !? We're having too much fun here!" Marshall yells at his friend Chase, who stays in his puphouse dreaming about things a happy puppy would have dreamed of.

Life passes peacefully in Adventure Bay, especially for Chase who showed his courage in Adventure City by saving his owner.
Now everyone knows that Chase is no longer afraid of big buildings and a noisy city, but is it even the truth? No, Chase is definitely still afraid of Adventure City. When he saved Ryder, it was the fear of losing the boy forever that he saved him, and a dog's love for his owner is unique.

The German Shepherd knows that he is still afraid of this gigantic, noisy, useless, uncomfortable city, but he doesn't tell anyone. "A good leader must be an example" he kept saying to himself in a low voice in his mind.
But what he doesn't know, and probably never will, is that a small female knows the truth. Girls always have a more attentive and focused gaze than boys. And since the PAW Patrol left Adventure City, Skye has been watching Chase with her two magenta eyes. She observed every movements, looks, thoughts of the German Shepherd whether it was during a mission, a game or in the PAW Patroller.

Chase is certainly the strongest at hiding his feelings from the world around him, but Skye is the smartest at finding his feelings. The cockapoo wondered to herself many times, why was she looking at Chase so much? Why does she get passionate about Chase? What is attractive about this leader that others do not have?
The only explanation for Skye is that ever since she brought Chase who was paralyzed from the mission to save the people stuck on the train, she worried very strongly about Chase, and that was especially when he ran away after his discussion with Ryder, that imaginary tears rolled down the cockapoo puppy's cheeks.

However, she thinks she has a slight affection for Chase. Weird affection that she doesn't have for other pups.
Her tone of voice has also changed when she speaks to Chase: A Melody for Chase's ears.

If we can call Skye smart, we can call Chase even smarter, because if Skye would have been smarter, she would have assumed that Chase loves her. But Chase is even better at hiding his love feelings than anything else. However, Skye has guessed it before. Well, she guessed it in a lazy and quick way without thinking more about it. Skye guessed that Chase has some kind of affection for her too when he talks to her. But this affection is very difficult to describe, especially since Chase has found techniques to speak correctly without blushing at his crush.

Love is complicated. A loving affection from one person to another is surely one of the most difficult things in the world.
But let's stop talking about love and let's focus on what's going on.

Marshall, walking awkwardly, manages to cut off Chase's dreams just by shaking him.
Then, with a smirk, he says:
"Are you scared to lose at Frisbee against us?"
In less than a second, Chase stands up, frowning, beefy, standing straight and declaring:
"Do you dare to challenge me?"

The Dalmatian knows that Chase accepts any challenge and that's why he must challenge Chase to get the German Shepherd to stand up and play with him.

Athletically, Chase comes out of his puphouse, and stretches out ready for the challenge.
Marshall, proud of his friend, heads off in the direction of the other pups in the garden, while Chase follows closely behind.

Chase barely has time to join his friends, when Skye turns her head first to admire him.

"You just got up from a good nap." Skye says with no doubt.

"How ... How do you know?" Chase asks the observer cockapoo.

"Oh...I just said that in a random way" Skye says with a slight blush as she just lied. And lying is not a habit for the cockapoo.

Rocky then starts talking:
"Glad you're here, Chase. There are six of us, we make teams of 3. So Marshall, Zuma and I on one team. And Rubble, Chase and Skye on another."

With a furrowed brow, Zuma walks up to Rocky, and opposes his proposal.

"Chase and Skye are too strong at this game! We can't win against them, we all suck at this game!"

This language surprised a little the other pups who tend to speak with a respectful language. But it's Zuma, and we can forgive him.

"In that case, we separate Chase and Skye." suggests the recycling pup.

"Only Chase and Skye will get the Frisbee every time, and we might end up with a draw" Marshall said.

Chase has an idea in his mind, but refuses to say it. It will be too embarrassing to say that in front of Skye.

Rubble then expresses himself:
"I suggest we make a two vs four team. Chase and Skye against all of us."

Chase glances admiringly at Rubble. He sounds like he thanks him in his thoughts.

Rocky chuckles as he says, "Are you kidding? We're definitely gonna win!"

The little cockapoo with a naughty smile exclaims, "I think we're being challenged, Chase! Let's do this match to see who the bosses of the game are!"

Chase doesn't say anything, but is surprised at this sudden reaction from Skye.
Rocky rolls his eyes with a smirk, he's really sure that Chase and Skye are going to lose.

Rubble, Marshall, Zuma and Rocky position themselves on one side of the field, and Chase and Skye on the other.
The cockapoo and the German Shepherd see the other pups whispering tactics to each other to win.

"We don't have tactics like them, but I'm sure we'll win if we play as a team!" Skye exclaims holding out her paw to Chase to get them to make a PAW High-Five.
But Chase stays for a few seconds, astonished by Skye. He then slightly extends his paw towards Skye's, and at the first contact of their paws, butterflies start to move everywhere in the two bodies making them both tremble.
They therefore withdraw and walk away without looking at each other to start playing the match.

"You start, because you are going to lose!" says Rocky.

Skye takes the Frisbee, and the match begins. Chase runs forward, until he thinks that Skye can throw the Frisbee at him.
Skye then passes him the Frisbee, and it's her turn to go as far as possible to score a point.
The tough bulldog pup steps in front of Skye, while Rocky and Zuma step in front of Chase to stop him from throwing the Frisbee.
Chase then jumps, admiringly into Skye's eyes, and throws the frisbee high.
Skye, unable to jump as high as Chase, decides to climb onto Rubble's back, then backflip and grab the Frisbee.
Seeing his angel with her athletic legs leap up and her jump, Chase remains amazed and surprised without moving and gazes at Skye's beauty.

"Come on! What are you doing!? Go so I can pass you the frisbee!" Skye yells at Chase who thinks he's hated by Skye.
Running with all his might and positioning himself in the score zone, it is now impossible for Skye to throw the Frisbee as 3 pups are trying to defend their territory.
Eventually, Skye manages to throw the frisbee and Chase grabs it. They scored a point.

"Yayy!!" Skye says happily, running to snuggle up to her teammate.

Marshall, breathless, speaks in a weird way:
"I ... I give up. I- stop ... playing"

"Yeah man, I'm gonna go play pup pup boogie." Zuma says.

"Oof, well done Chase and Skye. I'm going to eat." says another pup

The 3 pups then leave respectively, but there's still Chase, Skye and Rocky.
After a long silence, Rocky decides to intervene:
"Okay .. umm ... I guess you two won."
"At least, you know to never challenge us now." Skye says looking at Chase who smiles at her.

Rocky, embarrassed, to have lost while he was sure to win, leaves and stays in his puphouse.
Skye, looking with cute eyes at Chase, says, "Shall we play Frisbee?"
Chase nods. All those moments already spent with Skye in just a few minutes, reminds him of memories from long time ago.

"I was just a baby pup... and Skye, the cutest baby pup I've ever seen ..." thinks Chase, seeing in his mind all the moments with Skye he had in his life.

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