■ Chap. 2 / Flashback Pt.1 ■

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"I was just a baby pup ... and Skye, the cutest baby pup I've ever seen ..." thinks Chase, seeing in his mind all the moments with Skye he had in his life.

The sun goes down, the two pups decide to stop playing Frisbee, and to sleep. This is because pups like Chase and Skye need a lot of rest after sporting activities and difficult missions.

Walking next to each other, Chase and Skye don't look at each other: it's too difficult. Indeed, it only takes one glance for butterflies to move in their bodies. Skye found this technique of talking to Chase's "neck". Chase being tall, Skye just has to look below the German Shepherd's face if she has to make a "false eye contact" as she told a husky friend who apparently knows Skye's secret.

The two arriving at the Lookout's automatic door, Skye was about to say goodnight to Chase, but Chase, concerned about his owner, don't look at her.
"He's definitely sad" Skye confirms in her thoughts.
"Hey Chase? What are you thinking about?" she asks her friend.
Chase, having heard the melody of voices, responds immediately:
"Ryder has been looking very busy the last few days." Then he adds: "I wonder if he's okay".

"The best solution is to ask him." Skye says.
Chase asserts her proposal, and the two take the elevator to the Lookout.
When they reach the top, they see Ryder, very tired, signing papers with lots of closed and open boxes.

Chase walks over and asks his owner if he's okay.
Ryder sighs, then says:
"I need a rest, Chase. After our rescues in Adventure City, we became even more popular, and lots of clothing accessories came out on us. So I have to sign clearances for the sale of these products."

"But it's something good!" exclaims Skye, noticing a PAW Patrol pillow with her and Liberty on it.
Not really Skye. Our goal is just to help people, not to become celebrities” Ryder says.
Skye, more and more curious and excited, starts to search all the boxes where she discovers lots of things that interest her.
"Paw Patrol dresses for girls! My vehicle in toy! A Liberty plush! I'm definitely keeping them!"

Ryder giggles while saying:
"If you want Skye."
Chase then raises an eyebrow, then stepping closer to Ryder, he gives him puppy eyes.
"No Ryder Sir. This is not an excuse. What's going on?" He asks his owner.

Ryder sighs, then decides to admit:
"Adventure City needs us again. So does Adventure Bay. I don't know what to do anymore."
Chase thinks for a moment, then suggests:
"Half of us can go to Adventure City and the other half stay here."
"Thanks Chase, I'll think about it." Ryder says, watching his puppad ring. He takes it and then answers the call. The face of Liberty then appears on the screen.

"Hey Libertyy!" exclaims Skye, more than happy to see her friend.
"Hey Skye!" Liberty answers her, then she adds, "Hey Ryder and Chase! How are you all?" she asks.
"We're fine, Liberty. How about you?" Ryder replies, having recovered to his normal mood.
"As an official member of the PAW Patrol, I'm doing very great !!" Exclaims Liberty making Skye giggles.
"I need two of your best pups here! The new mayor has been elected, and she needs pups for her protection for a whole day." says Liberty.

Ryder, look at Chase and says:
"Your idea wasn't that bad"

"No need to train them or give them missions, I'll do that thing when they come here!" Liberty says in an active voice acting like a team leader.
Then she adds:
"I'll give them the mission when they come here."
Ryder nods and Liberty speaks again:
"I don't want to be spoiled but can I get any clues about who these pups might be?" she asks, curious and hoping her friend Skye will come.
"Let's say ... one is a good police officer and the other one is a good air pilot." Ryder responds making Chase and Skye uncomfortable.
"Great! I can't wait for them!" Liberty says before hanging up on the call.

"B-but, but, Ryder Sir? I can't go. Adventure Bay needs me." Chase stutters hiding his fear for Adventure City.
"Oh come on Chase! It's just a day" Skye says, worried about Chase's new behavior.
"I'm not scared. I just…" Chase continued, stammering and begging his owner.
"Adventure City needs a brave puppy like you, Chase and ..."
Cutting Ryder, Chase says:
"Fine! I'm going."

"Are you sure, Chase?" Ryder asks, inquet.
Chase nods quickly then walks to the elevator while saying:
"Good night."
Skye joins him in the elevator, and the doors close.
As the elevator goes down which seems like an eternity to Chase, Skye has her eyes glued on Chase.
Suddenly, Skye takes a deep breath and says, "I know the truth, Chase. But everything will be okay. I will be near you."
Chase then looks at Skye's blushing face with confused eyes as Skye looks ahead to not to meet Chase's gaze.

"What truth…" Chase asks but the elevator door opens and Skye takes the opportunity to evade the question by running to her puphouse while saying "Good night Chase!"

Chase is then more than confused. What does she know? There aren't many assumptions, and Chase thinks Skye is aware of his fear for the city.
The German Shepherd therefore walks towards his puphouse while thinking of this incredible intelligent cockapoo. He walks into his kennel, and lies down trying to sleep to have enough strength to leave for Adventure City tomorrow.

Chase is then plunged between sleep and wakefulness. Flashbacks come to his head.
A flashback story then begins for the poor German Shepherd who will certainly not get any sleep that night.

“Ever since Ryder saved me and brought me to Adventure Bay, a friendship has formed between him and me. I would have said even more than a friendship. Ryder is like my best friend, my brother, my father. ... An owner is not the correct word for him. Life went by peacefully, at least I thought so, a girl named Katie often came to take care of me, and the people of Adventure Bay were all kind to me. I had found my family. Adventure Bay was my family. And I felt like I was Adventure Bay's favorite pup.

But one day, as Katie was washing me in her beauty parlor, Ryder walked in holding a small creature in his arms. Yes, it was a creature to me, because I had to be Adventure Bay's only hero and favorite. This creature looked like me, it was white with small black spots and blue eyes. I was not confident in this white and black animal resembling a cow or a sheep, I was even arrogant towards this animal.
Ryder introduced him to me and put him next to me where the animal was trying to hide his face. I stared at him arrogantly and nastily.

The animal realized that I was staring at him, he removed his paws from his face and said:
"Hi ... My name is ... Marshall."
In a voice higher than his, I replied, "I am Chase. And I suppose you came for a bath and you go where you come from..."

"Oh no, please. Not again. Ryder told me it's my new home here…" he stammered.
I got angry then:
"What !? I'm Ryder's only pup!"

Ryder, having heard me, came up to me with angry eyes and ordered me to say sorry to Marshall. I say it softly with great hatred.

The following days were even worse. Marshall had become Adventure Bay's favorite, the inhabitants loved him a lot and most of all, Marshall was doing something I wasn't doing, he was helping people! He had saved a falling bird, he had looked after children while their parents were away, he had helped Mr. Porter ..... Marshall had definitely become the hero.
From there, I decided that I would never look or talk to Marshall again. A hatred and jealousy came over me, and an intention to hurt him repeatedly came into my mind.

A few days later, Ryder walked into our house with a baby female pup in his arms. This female calmed me down against the hatred I had for Marshall. Ryder set her down on his bed, and I walked over to observe this lovely little pup.
"Say hello to Skye," Ryder told me.
"Skye ... such a beautiful name" I thought. I greeted her and introduced myself. She was quite shy that day.
Then came Marshall, the mixture of sheep and cow, who awkwardly introduced himself to Skye which made her giggle. Angry, I walked away from them and decided not to talk to anyone anymore. "

Chase yawns softly, he's sleepy, but he's determined to finish his flashback before falling asleep.

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