Chapter Ten - Carmen

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I salute the judge and stand in front of the bars. Kip, pop up at the right time, beautiful , handstand hold, sole circle, jump to high bar, kip into cast handstand, hold, squeeze your tummy. Turn in your handstand and overshoot. I twist in the air but once again I catch the bar sideways. My hands grip the bar on top of each other as I twist my body forwards. I quickly fix my hands and kip up into a sloppy handstand. Sole circle and jump to high bar. Long hang kip, bring your legs up, toes pointed, Clear hip,Giant, Giant, hollow your body and layout flyaway. I take a bounding step forward and salute the judge. Taking a slow nervous breath I stumble over to my teammates. Alexis stands up and salute's the judge as I sink down next to my teammates.

 As Alexis begins her routine my score pops up. 8.2. I wipe my sweaty hands on my thighs and focus on cheering on my teammates. After the bars rotation we head over to beam. I'm going second. Marissa does a solid routine, landing her back tuck and scores a 8.95. When it's my turn, after chatting with Marissa, I turn towards the judge. She salute's me and I salute back, trying to smile. I slowly mount the beam and begin my routine. Full turn, small wobble, kick to handstand and down. Aerial, head up. My head snaps up but one of my feet pops up as well , causing me to wobble. Stay strong, deep breaths, switch leap, wobble, wolf turn. My foot lands on the beam but I have to grab the beam behind me to steady myself. I shift to my other leg, kick up and stand back down on the beam in my lunge. Kick leg up, half turn, nice one! walk to the end of the beam, Back handspring, back tuck. My ankle scrapes the beam and completely misses a stick. I fall off to the side and quickly pull myself back up onto it. Focus on your dismount Carmen! Front handspring front layout, squeeze, hollow your belly, arms out, tiny step. 

I salute and slowly walk back to my teammates. I take a shaky breath and the butterflies in my stomach subside slightly. My score pops up on the board. 7.25. I swallow slowly. After beam, the team heads over to floor. My turn is third and after watching Alexis and Trista I stand up and salute the judge. I prepare and start as my music starts. Full turn, hand flick, roundoff back handspring back layout, hollow your body, bend your knees. Pivot turn, dance dance, back extension roll, could have been higher, back walkover back handspring, rebound. Front handspring front layout ½ twist, Squeeze your body, twist, rebound. Handstand, bridge kickover back aerial, two steps. Switch leap, wolf jump, dance dance, pose! I salute the judges and scramble over to my teammates. They high ten me before turning to Marissa, who, as normal, performs ridiculously well. I overhear Trista ranting about some of Savannah's school bully's. "I bow to the queen of rant." I say, making us giggle. I miss my score but I hope it was good. Finally, we make the last rotation to vault. This is my favorite event. "Vault is my favorite!" I exclaim. "Because you nail it." 

I smile at Trista before walking over to the judges. I quickly salute them before looking at the vault. run, punch, fast heels, squeeze. I land, slowly bending my knees and salute the judge. I walk back over and turn towards my teammates before looking at the judge. "Look through your shoulder when you're coming down but besides that, beautiful!" Said James. I smile and turn towards the judge. She salute's me and I salute back. run, punch, fast heels, look through your shoulder, squeeze. I feel myself flipping at the perfect angle and land solidly, bending my legs. I turn to the judge and salute her. "Beautiful!" Jamesh exclaims. I fist bump him and sit down next to my teammates. Savannah salutes the judge as my score appears. 9.15! That's one of my best scores! I applaud as my teammates finish up their vaults. 

Alexis hesitates on hers and doesn't really rotate enough. I cheer all my teammates on and at last we make our way over to the floor for awards. I hold my breath as our scorecards are brought around.

Carmen's Score Card

Bars: 8.20

Beam: 7.25

Floor: 8. 50

Vault: 9.15

AA: 33.10

I clutch my score card to my chest. I didn't score out but I was super close. I'm so proud. I look over the row of seats and see my family yelling and cheering. They are proud as well.

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