Chapter 4

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"Please! Please help!" Scarlett yelled as she neared the police station.

She slammed the door open causing all of the officers to jump up.

"It's Mayor King's house!" She cried. "We've been attacked! We need help."

While Scarlett ran many things were happening back at the King's.

"Help!" Daphne screamed running through the house, looking for her friends. "It's Scarlett! She's gone! I can't find her!"

"What?!" Theo yelled running out of a nearby room. "What do you mean she's gone?"

"A blonde girl attacked us. She grabbed Scarlett and dragged her away before I could do anything!" Daphne cried.

"We're better off without her. She was weak," Haylee shrugged, no pain in her cold, heartless eyes.

"What the hell?!"

"She was weak! She was a weakness to us! We need strong-"

A loud slap informed Haylee she need to shut up. Haylee's cheek burned, and so did Daphne's hand. Haylee's cheek had a red tint in the form of a hand.

"If you don't shut up I'll make you," Daphne said, venom in her voice.

Hand to her face Haylee let out a small whimper, "Whatever."

The boys just stood there, faces full of surprise.

"Let's find that son of a bitch,"


"Please!" Scarlett fell to her knees. "My friends! They're in danger."

"How?" One man chuckled at the girl.

To be honest, Scarlett wasn't exactly one to trust. She almost got thrown in juvie, because of how often she lied to the police about how she or someone else was in trouble. Oh, and she was also known for getting high. She was the little boy, and she cried wolf way too much.

"I'm serious!" Scarlett pleaded.

"Serious? You say that every time," Another laughed. "Getting good at acting, huh? Go back to your home before we arrest you."

"I am being serious! My friends are in danger!"

"You ain't no friend of Daphne King,"

"Please," She begged. "At least check it out."

"I believe you," Chief Lixon assured the girl. "Tell me everything."


"I hate to say this, but we need to split up," Theo sighed as they left yet another room. "We've been searching for what 30 minutes and we haven't even checked half the house. We'll cover more ground alone split up."

"You are right," Callum admitted. "But it's dumb."

"Dumb but true," Haylee slid down the wall.

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