Chapter 6

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Daphne paced the room, her eyes cautiously watching the others.

"What the hell does she mean?" She asked yet again to which no one responded. "I just fucking killed someone! And no one is saying shit!"


"Shut up, Theo!" She snapped.

Her eyes gave him a "You got me here. Now leave me the hell alone."

"It's Callum." Haylee announced.

"What do you mean it's me?!" Callum fired back.

"You've been mysterious all the party time!" She hissed.

"You are obsessed with knives!" He recalled waving his hands in the air.

"It was Theo," Daphne whispered, quiet enough where only one person could hear.


"Nothing, Theo," She turned her head, tired of this whole situation.

Callum and Haylee started a screaming match, and Daphne started to get a headache. She slid down on the nearest wall, her knees weak, and her head throbbing.

"Honestly it's probably Daphne!" Haylee claimed.

"Shut up!" Theo commanded, his hand raised. "Shut the fuck up!"

An hour seemed to go by when Daphne knew it was only a few seconds. She felt the guilt in her stomach. In fact, she felt sick to her stomach. She still sat there, head in her hands, her head still throbbing. She had always thought Theo loved her, but what did she know about love. She was only 16 and that was more than a good reason to forget about her love life and be a normal teenager, but that life had been stripped away by her dear boyfriend and her father, who in all truth never wanted her life to be like that.

"If you loved me I wouldn't be here." She mumbled.

"What was that, Daph?" Theo asked, joining back into reality.

"You suck." She fumed.

She had never been so sure of something. Her brows were furrowed and she stood up.

"You deserve shit."

"What the hell, Daphne?!" He snapped.

"You got us into this mess! Fix it!" She cried. "I had made a friend! Scarlett was my fucking friend! Yeah I admit it!"

They seemed to forget the room had two other people and had gone into a full screaming match.

"You guys are in charge of this?!" Haylee shrieked.

"Shut up!" They yelled at her in unison.

A door swung open and their eyes shot towards Callum. Callum took off in a run, and Theo grabbed the knife out of Hannah's dead body. Daphne grimaced at the sight, but followed Haylee when she started to run too.

"Please Haylee! I'm so so sorry!" She called as they ran through the house.

"What the hell, Theo?!" Callum screamed as something crashed.

"Get the fuck back here!" Theo's voice was laced with anger. "I'm sick of this fucking plan going to shit! You're all fucking dying tonight!"

"Fuck you, man!" Callum screamed as yet another thing crashed.

Daphne and Haylee skidded to a stop at the living room. There Theo held a knife in Callum's lifeless body.

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