Chapter 5

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"When I tell you to run. You run," Daphne explained, if glares could kill Scarlett would most definitely be dead.

"Daphne? Why-" Scarlett's heart dropped. "It's you."

Daphne frowned.

"Of course it's me!" Daphne spun around, hands held high.

Scarlett stumbled back.

"Let's make this quick." Daphne grabbed a knife from the table, her face had a permanent frown. "You mess up, you pay. That's how my dad taught me."

Scarlett started to run, but was quickly stopped when Daphne grabbed her hand spinning her back, dipping her like they were dancing a tango.

"Please don't make this any harder," Daphne pleaded.

Scarlett stepped on Daphne's foot causing her to yell in pain. As soon as Daphne let go, Scarlett ran again, but quickly had Daphne following after. Daphne pulled the rug on the floor leaving a bump for Scarlett to trip on.

"Shit!" Scarlett cried, falling to the floor.

"Why'd you come back, Scarlett?,"

Scarlett hissed in pain as Daphne left a scratch on her porcelain face. Blood dripped down leaving a small puddle of blood on the floor.

"I came back for you," Scarlett admitted, her voice pained. Betrayed.

"A big mistake" Daphne whispered into the frightened girls ear.

Daphne stabbed Scarlett's arm, and pulled the knife out after. Scarlett screamed out in pain, but got a hand on her mouth to silence her.

"Scream and I make your death slower." Daphne threatened.

"Please," Scarlett begged. "Let me go."

"I can't! Theo and I planned everything and you being here! You ruined it," Daphne's sadness seemed to morph into anger quickly.

"You monster." Scarlett spat.

Those words broke Daphne. They shattered her heart into two. Scarlett took notice of how Daphne's eyes went blank. How her emotion seemed to disappear.

"Don't blame me. Blame my dad. He raised me like this," She cried.

"Kill me." Scarlett whimpered.

Daphne slammed the knife into her heart and watched the life drain out of Scarlett's eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Daphne spoke weakly.

Daphne pulled the knife out and let Scarlett drop to the floor.

She sighed, and her breath was shaky. She started to walk towards the sink.

Daphne dropped the knife into the sink, and started the water. A tear ran down her face. Grabbing a sponge, she started to scrub. Daphne noticed the blood had slowly disappeared, and set it in its spot. Daphne put on gloves and continued her cleaning.

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