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 "Can we go now?" You whined, holding your jacket closer to your body to stop the shivering. You had agreed to help your best friend look around an old cave, apparently some old guys used it as a secret lab a couple hundred years ago or something, you couldn't keep up with his excited ramblings. He could go on and on very quickly, and you loved him but it could be difficult to keep up sometimes. Varian wanted to check it around and ended up dragging you along with him. If you knew it would result in you being stuck in a dark freezing cave you would have been more insistent on staying home. Damn him and his adorable eagerness, you just couldn't say no to him.

"Oh hush, it's not even that cold." He dismissed your complaints and continued looking around, using his makeshift torch, which was just some glowing viles tied to a stick, to look at various things.

You huffed and walked around, you could just barely see the outline of things, so it wasn't much trouble walking around. You pick up a random sphere, trying to look at the engravings but ultimately failing. You didn't even think to bring a torch or anything. You sat on the cold ground and curled up into yourself, putting your legs into your jacket. Your back was against the wall, only making you shiver more.

"Catch!" The alchemist shouted, making you look up and catch a vile that was thrown at you, nearly dropping it.

"What was that for?" You complained, looking down at the glowing yellow substance. It was emitting heat, and you couldn't help but hold it close to your body, finally feeling relief from the cold cave.

"You're cold right? I just remembered I had a little something for situations like this." He chuckled. Sure he thought you were being a bit dramatic, but how could he let a friend suffer like that.

"Couldn't have remembered sooner?" You muttered. "Thank you."

You spent the next hour just like that, Varian exploring the room-like cave, fascinated by every little thing he found; and you sitting on the floor, holding the warm vile close to your body. It wasn't that bad now that you weren't freezing. You were still cold, sure, but not freezing. You found yourself struggling to keep your eyes open. A little nap couldn't hurt, right?

You were rudely awoken by a bag being tossed onto you. You groaned and looked up at your best friend, standing above you.

"Come on, time to go. Unless there's something here you wanted to look at?" He said sarcastically, knowing you'd want to leave as soon as possible; and he was right. You didn't say anything, you just stood up and waited for him to lead the way out. It was freezing again, since the vile he gave you lost it's glow and was now the same temperature as you. You just put it back in his bag.

You made it back to his lab and he greeted Ruddiger, who had decided to stay and take a nap.

"So, what junk did you get this time?" You teased, feeling much better since you got out of the cave.

"It's not junk." He scoffed. "These are pieces of an ancient machine, they might prove useful for my new project." He seemed to be talking to himself at the end, picking up a gear. It looked rusted but he'd probably be able to fix that.

"So what's this new project you're so excited about?"

"Secret." He grinned.

"Your secrets are never good." You chuckled. "I'm excited to see what it is."

Varian stayed quiet, just looking over everything he managed to find in the cave. You stared at him with an amused expression, knowing what was coming next.

"Ok, so here's what I was thinking.." He started, turning to you brimming with excitement. He ended up telling you all about it, as per usual. You happily listened to him ramble on and on about his ideas, watching him get more excited every time he thought of a way to improve it.

Varian x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now