The Switch in History Questions - WNA

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I just have a few questions on what to use for the WNA story.

1. Which version of Carrying the Banner? Livesies or 1992sies?

I prefer Livesies as a whole, but I tend to use Patrick's Mother from 1992sies even if I use Livesies.

2. Which version of the World Will Know? Livesies or 1992sies?

Again, I prefer Livesies lol.

3. Which version of Seize the Day? Livesies or 1992sies?

Still Livesies for me. (And Prickly has more of a say in this because they're Davey.)

4. Which version of King of New York? Livesies or 1992sies?

I still prefer Livesies lol. It's one of my favorites and I love the dialogue leading up to it. (And again, Paint has a good amount of say in this one too.)
And cause Notes is Kath, Livesies makes more sense, but if more people vote 1992sies, I could try to change it up.

5. Which version of Santa Fe? Livesies or 1992sies?

Flames kinda has the most say in this lol.

6. Which version of Once and for All? Livesies or 1992sies?

I love Livesies, it's my favorite song, but the line 'once and for all, every kid is our friend, every friend a brother' from 1992sies is very WNA to me and makes me very happy, so idk.

7. Which finale? Livesies or 1992sies?

I still prefer Livesies lol.

8. Denton still in it?

I don't really like Denton.

9. Livesies or 1992sies?

This decides which basic storyline. It decides if Brooklyn's Here is a thing and some other stuff. Letter from the Refuge will be a thing no matter what, and because Notes is Katherine, we have to do mainly Livesies, but we can use parts from 1992sies, if anyone has any.

I believe that's it, but I may have more.

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